CHAPTER 32 - Staying With Him

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After a few minutes of comforting,
Evening time,
Midoriya' residence...

Third Person's POV

After a few minutes of persuading, Izuku finally agreed to come out of her room to see her parents although she still felt offended with her father's actions and words. Hitoshi just could smile and gave her storm of kisses to comfort her which caused the female greenette to blush so deeply that her whole body turned crimson red.

The male purplette held Izuku's soft hand and led her to the living room, where her parents were waiting in anticipation, worried about their only daughter. Hisashi was feeling extremely guilty with his reckless action and cruel words that he harmed his daughter emotionally. Never in his life he hurt Izuku. He never pinched her even once!

Hisashi tapped the dining table impatienly, couldn't wait for Izuku any longer even though he tried. Inko was ready to stop him if he ever attemped to make a way toward Izuku's room. The presence of him --someone who hurt his daughter even though unintentionally-- would only put more pressure on Izuku.

"Inko, we need to see her! What if--" Hisashi dropped into a quick silence as his black pupils slowly darted to the moving two human figures -- a young boy and girl-- walking toward his direction.

"Izuku!" The two parents shouted in relief when they noticed the figure of their beautiful daughter. Izuku still looked gloomy and was avoiding eye contact with Hisashi. The tall man sighed long and approached his daughter, hugging her tightly.
"Princess, I'm sorry okay. I never meant to say that." Hisashi said in apologetic tone, literally regretted his reckless action and cruel words. Never in his life, he hurt his only daughter; mentally of physically. Heck, he never even pinched Izuku!

Izuku heaved a soft sigh, full of disappoinment but still hugged Hisashi back. "I forgive you... But..." She halted there, remaining silent which scared her father. "But what, Izu?" The worried father asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

"I am staying with Hitoshi for a while." Izuku said in commanding tone, showinghow determined and serious she was with her decision.

Hisashi's jaw dropped to the floor, not believing his hearing. His soul was aoready leaving its vessel before the father passed out due to shock. "Hisa-kun! / Dad!" The two female Midoriyas panicked. Inko immediately caught his body in the nick of time, sighing in slight relief. Izuku helped her mother and laid him kn the couch.

The younger female stared at her mother in a very needy way, asking for her permission. Inko just smiled and nodded her head. "It is okay, Izuku. I know you need time to heal. So I will allow you to stay with Hitoshi-kun. Hitoshi-kun, take care of my daughter, okay?" Inko smiled at the quiet violette. He hummed as his response.

"I will still come to visit both of you daily and eat dinner here sometimes so tell Dad no need to worry about it. But I will sleep at Hitoshi's place." Izuku said in gentle voice, already softened up a bit to her father who passed out.

Hitoshi just stared at Izuku in disbelief. He never expected Izuku wanted to stay over at his place which was nextdoor to hers. Her father could come and attacked them anytime. "That is good to hear. I'm so sorry for not being able to stop your father's action. He was just too difficult for me to deal with, especially when he loses his temper and started spouting out cussing words." Inko said, breathing a low sigh of defeat.

"It was not your fault, Mom. Don't apologize, okay?" Izuku said gently, trying to comfort the mother. Inko smiled and nodded at her. "Now, go and pack your stuffs before your father awakes from his mini coma." Inko chuckled, glancing at her dear husband for a couple of brief seconds.

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