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I walk into the frat house of Ioan's and all I can think of is the last time we met. I don't know how he will react , and either how I will.
Albin is walking in front of me and greeting his friends who cross his way. I focused on where Albin was going because I didn't want to get lost in between of a crowd of drunk college student.
Almost an hour is over , I walk over to the couch where Selena , a good friend of mine and Albins, is waiting for me with a drink for me and herself.
"Hey Liz , I haven't seen you in such a long time !" She says and hands me a drink.

"Hey Selena , how are you doing?" I ask her and I really am curious because I really do care for her. Lately we almost didn't talk because we both didn't have time to. She is a great friend and I really trust her a lot.

"Pretty good, There is someone that you need to get to know" she says smiling and pointing to a tall , blond and green-eyed boy. I guess she wants to introduce me her new boyfriend.

"He is very good looking" I say and smile back at her. "Is that your boyfriend or your date?"

"It's my boyfriend now , we dated for months now and he finally asked me last Sunday" she says.

"Wow that's great , but how does it come that you didn't tell me? Am I not important to you anymore?" I tease and pout my lips.

"I didn't have any time on my hands I'm sorry, but at least I told you personally" she says with a light smirk on her face.

I see the tall Blondie walking up to us and as he comes closer he looks even better. He greets Selena by kissing her lips . I am very happy for her because she seems very happy and freshly in love.

"Hey , I'm Sebastian . Nice to meet you ... I'm sorry what is your name?" He asks and seems slightly embarrassed for not knowing my name.

"Hey Sebastian, my name is Elizabeth . Nice to meet you too." I smile at both of them and clearly don't know how to act because I'm not as confident as they are.

"So, I'm gonna go and look for Albi , have a great time you two and also good luck for the future" I say and I mean it.

As I walk trough the crowd I finally find Albin . He is sitting in front of some guys and probably telling them something. I walk near him and hear him saying "wait a minute , gonna come back to y'all later."

"What's up Liz ? Do you need something?" He asks.

"No , everything is fine , can we go to the backyard, i have a headache and I need to get some fresh air." I say .

Immediately he takes my wrist and we go to the backyard.

I look around and my breath stops as my eyes meet the bright brown eyes of Ioan's. He looks as good as i remembered him. His hair is gelled back and and he wears a yellow shirt. We both stare at each other absolutely frozen and don't know what to say. I turn around and want to walk back as I hear his voice calling my name.

He walks up to me and i get nervous i glance over to Albin and he just stares at us and doesn't say a word.

"I'm glad to see you here after.." I stop him from saying it

"We didn't talk since then. How have you been?" i ask him.

"I've been doing good. I mean ... yeah I was good. How about you ?" He clearly lies because I don't want to pick around on him.

"I haven't been doing that well , I am very stressed about my finals and I still have a lot to do. I don't even know why I'm here , but you know how Albin is." I say

"But in general , are you okay? I haven't heard of you for a long time. It's been months"

"Yeah it's okay" I lie .

A awkward silence is in the atmosphere and I don't know what to say else.

"I have been thinking about you a lot." He says and my heart falls to my feet. Was he really thinking about me? I mean he still has a girlfriend, doesn't he?.

"Oh..." is the only thing that my mind allows me to say.

"Well , I will see you around . I-I mean I H-hope i will." He says and stutters. His cheeks flush a bright red as he begins to walk away and looks behind himself and gives me a cold glare.

I am walking back inside and hear the loud music booming inside of my head. I really need to lay down. I look for a place to lay down at because on the couch is a drunk couple making out and I really don't want to disturb them.
I remember when I used to come here some time ago there was one small room where I could hide until Albin is ready and will take me home. I need to get myself a car because I can't always depend on him to drive me everywhere.

The room is empty. Thank god. I am really tired. I turn on the TV but I don't really hear much because of the loud music downstairs.
I don't remember the name of the guy who this room belongs to but yet I remember that he wouldn't mind for me being here , as long as I don't mess up his stuff.

*hey Liz , where are you at , ready to go?*
Is written on the screen of my phone , it's Albin.

*sure ! coming downstairs now*

I switch the TV off and go downstairs where I see Albin waiting for me and I glance to the couch where Ioan sits staring at me like on a portrait in a museum.

I get into the fancy car of Albins and listen to the music that his phone offers. He plays his favourite song over and over. Sometimes he plays it 2 times in a row. The lyrics of the song are like a great novel. Willow Smith is amazing, just like her whole family is. I remember when I used to watch „the fresh prince" in the 90's.

Albin leaves me in on the parking lot of my dorm and I am so happy to go inside and go to sleep.

I have so many ideas !!I'm really happy that I finally brought myself to update. Please share this story and give me some of you ideas. Love , Alex.

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