Episode ten

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Megumi pov
As the sun started to rise we headed out once more. This time we were taking a longer but safer rout since we were pretty exhausted. We approached the exit of The city of Muedain and in front of us there was a faint view of Fencery.
I haven't been there since the fight between the two kinds but I do miss it.

To get to Fencery now we had to go across the main river passageway. This was the place where big boats and ships sail to on place and back again. We had some money so we decided to get a ship to sail us to Fencery. It costed us $80 which is not that much now a days.
The boat trip wasn't long at all, we told the captain to go fast so he used a spell to make the ship have extra turbines. It was very exciting yet it made me feel nauseous.

As we carefully got off Neko and Joanna were there waving. Neko came running to me and grabbed me tightly screaming in my face how she was sorry. I told her it was okay and that I still loved her.

Now that we had our full team we were ready to fight.

Joanna: you guys aren't ready yet, you haven't even trained. How are we going to defeat my father like this. He knows how good you are in combat, he can sense it and if he senses a bad energy he'll take you out in one swing.
Neko: Joanna's right we need to train.
Megumi: what are we waiting for? Let's do this. Oh and Neko. I got you some ting from Angelica.
Neko: OMG! Megumi!! You couldn't have. Thankyou. I can't believe you got this for me. Do you know how powerful this is? I'm holding the knife of the Muedain. It contains all the elemental powers. Thankyou Megumi.
Megumi: I knew you'd like it.
Neko: I love it.
Hugo: you can keep it forever neko, it's a gift from my kingdom to yours.

Joanna: did you guys get me anything or am I stuck with this scythe that does nothing.
Leo: yes we did, we got you the scythe of the dark dragons.
Megumi: I gave it to you because you can control
your powers, I was going to use it but figured out you're the girl that knows how to handle it.
Joanna: Thankyou guys, I really mean it.


We started to train, it was very tiring and frustrating. When the afternoon came it starting raining like mad. The grass below our feet turned into mud that covered our shoes every time we would take a step.
Neko decided to try out one of her new spells; the sleeping spell. It make make anyone collapse into a deep sleep for a few minutes.
She aimed her hands at a tree and said the spell. A light came from her hand and wizzed towards the tree, she seemed very proud until it bounced of the tree and hit me. I stumbled to the floor mumbling some words.

Neko: oh no, Megumi. Why are you always in the way.
Hugo: you guys should head back to camp, I'll bring Megumi.
Joanna: okay 'boss'. Let's go guys.

Hugo pov
Its funny how Mae is always targeted. Well it must be by coincidence but it's pretty funny. I picked her up nearly slipping on the mud and walked to a nearby pound where I washed off the mud from her body. She looked so beautiful laying there, she could be an angel like me. I never cared that she was a witch, it made her special.
I kissed her forehead and carried her back to the camp.

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