Chapter 10

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"What's up?" I asked, trying to keep my eyes on her face and not her tits, which were right in front of me and more than a little distracting, especially with the scent of her perfume wafting from her chest.

"Okay, look. This problem you have. On one hand, I believe you should stick to your principles and your promise and wait and make it special."

"Here we go." I rolled my eyes.

"But I understand your point. You're frustrated and horny and tired of waiting."


"So I have a question for you. If you had a choice, would you want it to be with someone who cares about you who'll make it special, or just get a piece of tail to say you got some?"

"I don't have a choice. I—"

"Just answer the damn question!" She put her hands out. "Stop being a dick and just give me a yes or no. Which would you prefer if you had the choice?"

"Okay." I shrugged. "If I had the chance, I would rather it be with someone who—" I stopped.

"Who what?"

"Fine. I'll sound like an idiot. Someone I have feelings for who cares about me."

"That's not being an idiot at all. That's just being—"

"A fool. And that question was stupid because I don't have that person, so there is no choice. I was a fucking asshole for waiting, and I am not going to—"

"Hey!" Mila put her hands on my shoulders. "That was not being an asshole. Lauren, never be upset at yourself for being sweet. Never."

"Sweet?" I rolled my eyes again.

"My sister is three years older than me and has dated a lot of guys. My friends have been dating as long as I have. Thing is, most guys are jerks who think with their dicks. Nice people are hard to find, Lauren, and you're one of them. Never be sorry for that. It's one of the things I love about you!"

"Then, if I'm so great, why am I alone?"

"Because you were never serious with anyone, and when you decided to be, it was with the wrong girls. Lucy isn't the first popular little snot you've chased."

"Maybe you're right. Next time I'll look for more than looks and popular, but for now?" I grinned. "Easy is what I'm looking for."

"You said you would rather be with someone who cares."

"And I said there isn't anyone who cares and—"

"Lauren, I'll be your first."
"So, I'm going to—" I stopped and blinked. "Wait, what ... what did you just say?"

"I said I'll be your first." Mila put her hand on my cheek. "You know I care about you."

"You—you're my friend."

"I'm also a young woman. I also know how important this is for you and don't want to see you ruin it with some slut after waiting this long."

"I—you're fucking with me!" I pushed her hands away from me. "Is that why you dressed like that?"

"Yes. I wanted you to see me as a girl, not your friend."

"You're screwing with me! I can't believe you would do this to me! What are you trying to do, get me to say I want you, then laugh at me or something?"

"I would never hurt you, Lauren." She said softly. "You want your first time, and you want it with someone who cares. I care." She smiled. "And when we've talked about it, you've admitted you're worried the girl would have done it and you haven't and you'd look bad. I've fooled around before and know you haven't. We'll take our time, and you would never have to worry about me making fun of you."

"Mila, you—" It dawned on me she was completely serious.

My mind raced.

Mila had been my best friend for years. Although I did think she was pretty and once in a while had a dirty thought about her, I had never really thought of her like that.
On the other hand, I'd never seen her dressed like this. She looked damn good and I knew she cared about me. I wouldn't have to worry about experience and—

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