Chapter 12

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"Camila," she said, putting her arms back around my neck. "Call me Camila tonight." When she hugged me, her bare tits pushed into my chest and I whispered, "You feel good, Camila."

"So do you," she purred, nibbling at my ear and running her hands up and down my back. "So do you."

Mila's lips slid along my neck as her hands caressed my arms and shoulders. I decided to let my hands wander and ran my palms along the soft smooth skin of her back. When I reached her waist, I paused before sliding further south and grabbing her ass.

Mila giggled in my ear, then moaned when I gave her cheeks a hard squeeze. Mila's ass was small enough that her cheeks fit easily in my hands. I was surprised at how tight and firm it was. Of course, it wasn't as if I'd really groped too many girls, but damn, she felt good.

Mila's lips stopped exploring my neck and once again found my lips. This time . I eagerly accepted both her kiss and her tongue. Mila eased back slightly and grabbed my wrists. I let her guide my hands to her sides and when I used just my fingertips to caress her from her hips to the sides of her tits, she moaned.

I wanted to fondle them, but when I reached them, felt my stomach flutter.

Mila was pretty much naked and we were making out hot and heavy, but for some reason part of me still thought this could stop. Did I really want to cross that ...

The decision was taken from me when Mila pressed my hands to her breasts. I gasped at how soft and firm they were.

Mila moaned in my ear when my palms rubbed across her hard nipples. "Yes," she groaned. "Play with them." When I caught her nipples between my fingers, she sighed, saying, "Hmm, just like that."

Her hot breath in my ear and the sexy purr of her voice spurred me on. Cupping her tits, I fondled them while stroking her swollen flesh with my thumbs. Mila kissed me again and this time all but devoured my lips as I caressed her nipples. Her tongue plunged into my mouth and swirled around dancing across mine and tickling the roof of my mouth.

I slipped my tongue across hers and it occurred to me that there was a better place my tongue could be.

Sliding my lips from hers, I planned on targeting her nipple. Instead, as my lips worked down her throat, Mila let her head fall back and seeing the smooth skin of her neck, I kissed her. Mila sighed softly while I sucked on the soft skin just under her ear, and ran her hands over my chest, arms, shoulders as well as my back.

She was touching me with a lot more enthusiasm than someone just trying to help out a friend.

I was struck by the thought—one that now should have seemed obvious—that Mila had thought about this long before tonight. Working my lips down her neck, and I began kissing the top of her chest.

Mila responded by grabbing my hair and pushing my head down. "Don't tease me! Suck on my tits!"

That was Mila. As crude as any guy when it came to talking about sex and just as impatient.

As my lips grazed the top of her soft breast, her fingers tightened in my hair and she released a whimper that caused my cock to jump. My mouth worked across her breast. Flicking my tongue out, I caught her nipple.

Mila gasped and pushed my head down, arching her back and shoving her tit in my face.

I opened wide and eagerly sucked not just her nipple, but also half her tit into my mouth.

"Oh, yes!" Mila cried out as my lips fastened around her nipple and my tongue teased it.

She was grinding harder into me and still cupping her tits. I went from one perfect nipple to the other, sucking and licking one while stroking the other. Mila was moaning and making that hot little whimpering sound, and I was aware of my own sounds of pleasure as I sucked and fondled her tits.

This was what I had waited so long for. Mila may not have been the girl I had envisioned it with, but damned if underneath those jeans and T-shirts she wasn't as hot as any girl I'd lusted after.

"Oh, that feels so good!" she purred. "Looks good, too!"

"Damn straight, they look good," I said around her nipple, causing her to giggle again.

Mila's hands trailed down my chest and I gasped when she grabbed my shorts and unsnapped them. My tongue slowed on her tit and my hands trembled in anticipation as I heard my zipper being pulled down. Mila's fingers worked their way into my underwear and I moaned when they wrapped around my aching dick.

"Oh!' she exclaimed, "wow, you're hard!" She started stroking me and added, "And big!"

"I ... oh!" I groaned when her hand worked its way down my shorts and she released my cock to cup my swollen balls.

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