Chapter 16

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"After that? How could I not be?" I sat up on my knees, exposing my cock standing at attention between my legs.

"Damn, that looks good." Camila propped herself up on the pillows and beckoned me with her finger. "How about you come up here and let me feel you inside me?"

"I ... I really can?"

Mila rolled her eyes. "Nah, I sucked you off and let you suck me off. Now I'm going to just get up and leave. For someone who wanted it so bad..."

"I do want you!" I exclaimed, crawling up between her legs, placing my hands on either side of her shoulders, and looking down at her.

Mila smiled up at me, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Then what are you waiting for, Lauren? Make love to me."

Make love to her. I always thought of it as sex, but hearing it that way did sound pretty good. The fact it came from a beautiful girl lying naked beneath me added to the thrill. I grabbed my cock and we both moaned as I rubbed it up and down the length of her soaking pussy.

"You're teasing again. Inside, Lauren, please? I want you so bad."

Damn! I pushed the head of my cock through her pussy. When I reached her entrance and started to push inside, I stopped.


"What?" For the first time, Mila looked nervous. "Shit, what? What's the matter? You don't want to?"

"I do!" I told her, "but I need to, you know"—I reached across the bed to my nightstand drawer—"wear something."

"Screw it," Camila said, reaching down between us and grabbing my cock. "I haven't been with anyone is months and I always used something and you haven't been with anyone. I'm on the pill and I ... I want to feel you. Nothing between us, just you inside me. Please?"

"I ... Oh, my god!" I cried out, when pushing my cock against her, Camila thrust her hips. The head of my cock sank into her hot, wet flesh and I moaned at how incredible it felt.

"All the way!" Mila moaned. "All the way inside!"

So far, I'd been trying to go as slow as I could and not act like what I was: an excited virgin. But at the feeling of her hot pussy around the sensitive head of my cock, I lost control and with a thrust of my hips pushed myself deep inside her.

"Oh, Lauren!" Camila called out, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as I sank into her warm, welcoming flesh.

I gasped and remained above her, taking in the incredible sensation of being completely inside her. Mila's hot pussy surrounded my cock and I couldn't believe how good it felt. I moved my hips back, and then pushed forward, again sliding myself into the wet heat of her body.

"Easy," Mila said, her eyes wide. "You're ... you're pretty damn big. Just go nice and slow, okay?"

I forced myself to do as she asked and moved my hips slowly back and forth, sliding my cock halfway out before pushing back into her. We both moaned each time I thrust forward. Pulling me down to her, Camila found my lips with hers and moved her hips in time with mine. I relaxed and sighed into her mouth at the feeling of her small breasts pressing against me as I moved within her.

Mila's lips left mine. Holding the back of my head, she pressed my face into her neck. I kissed her softly and began to move more confidently, sliding more of my cock from inside her and plunging it back in. Mila moaned each time I penetrated her warm depths, her hips moving harder into mine, pushing me deeper.

"How do I feel?" she whispered in my ear. "Do I feel good?"

"You ... feel ... amazing," I answered in between the sounds of pleasure I couldn't help releasing each time our hips thrust into each other.

"So do you," she breathed in my ear. "I knew you would."

"You ... you thought about this?"

"Can't you tell?" She released a sharp yelp when I drove my hips harder into her. "I've wanted you, Lauren. I've wanted you for a long time and ... after you called, I told myself I wasn't going to let you go with anyone else. I wanted to be your first."

"You ... you are," I moaned. "I ... I'm glad you are."

"You mean it?" She kissed my neck, and this time it was Camila who shoved her hips hard into me. "You're happy to be with me?"

"Very happy," I said. "You were right. This is so much better with someone who's special to me."

"You're very special to me." Mila pushed on my shoulders

Straightening my arms, I looked down at her.

My eyes fastened on her perfect tits, which were now covered with a light sheen of sweat. Her thighs were pressed against mine and her fingers were digging into my shoulders.

Mila's hips were moving in perfect rhythm with mine, and as good as it felt, I couldn't help thinking about what it would feel like to do it in other positions. I had waited so long for this and wanted to enjoy it in every way I could.

"Lauren, I—"

"Can we move?" I asked her.


"Yeah. Can we, you know"—I gave her a wink—"try a different way?"

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