Chapter 11

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"I won't tell anyone," she added. "No one needs to know, and after, if you want to go slut around, go ahead, but at least the first time will be the right way."

"Mila, I—" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I can't do this with you. I appreciate it, but ... we're best friends. I don't want to—"

I opened my eyes to see Mila unbuttoning her dress. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to help you stop thinking of me as a friend."

Mila reached the last button just above her waist and opened the dress to reveal she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Holy shit," I whispered at the sight of her bare breasts.

Mila wasn't big on top, but her breasts were perky, perfectly round, and her pink nipples were erect and less than a foot from my face.

Mila let the dress drop to the floor.

My jaw fell with it.

Mila was now standing in front of me in just a red thong that consisted of red string and a patch of lace between her thighs. Speechless, my eyes roamed up and down her body. Mila was breathing fast, her small tits rising and falling with each breath.

Her stomach was smooth and flat, and her hips flared out just enough to give her slender figure a nice shape. I looked at her soft inner thighs and with a start realized I was hard.

"Do you like them?" Mila cupped her tits.


"I know they're not that big." Mila's thumbs caressed her nipples. "But they're all yours."

"They're ..." I swallowed nervously. "They're beautiful." Looking up at her, I said, "You're beautiful."

"Really?" To my surprise she blushed. "You think so?"

"Yes." My fingers trembling, I reached out and placed my hands on her hips. "Damn, you look good."

"Don't look like your best friend now, do I?"

"No, that's for sure." I stared at her nipples. "Wow, they look good."

"So what do you say, Lauren? You ready for your first time?

"I—" I looked down between her thighs, imagining what was beneath the thong. Mila was really offering herself to me.

My mind filled with images. Mila on her back, her legs spread, and me lying between them; her on her knees between my legs, her beneath me, her legs wrapped around me. My cock was now throbbing and I was starting to sweat.

Mila was still holding her tits and reaching for them, I whispered, "Yes."

"Hold on." Mila caught my wrists, holding my hands inches from her tits. "Just because we're doing this doesn't mean I want to feel cheap about it. You can have anything you want from me, but you're going to be good to me."

"Of course I will."

"And before you touch anything, you're going to kiss me." Mila tugged my hands up.

Getting her meaning, I stood up. In the heels she was just about my height. As she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, she cocked her head, closed her eyes, and parted her lips.

I hesitated for a moment, looking at her, thinking I hadn't just been saying it. She really was beautiful.

Sliding my arms around her waist, I pulled her close to me and kissed her. Mila moaned softly as our lips pressed together, and her hand slid up through my hair. She worked her lips gently across mine and as I returned the kiss, a feeling of unreality came over me. Was I really standing here making out with Mila? A topless, all but naked, Mila?

I came back to reality when Mila's tongue flicked across my lips.

Surprise caused me to pause and her fingers tightened in my hair as her tongue pushed against my lips again.

I moaned when her soft pink tongue darted into my mouth and across my tongue. Mila was rocking back and forth, grinding her hips into me and I was acutely aware of her hard nipples pressing into my shirt.
Mila teased my lips with her tongue. When I went to kiss her, she pulled back, emitting a sexy little giggle that sent a shiver through me. I squeezed her tighter to prevent her from moving and kissed her again, but much harder than before and this time it was my eager tongue pushing between her lips.

Unlike me, Mila didn't hesitate to open wide. As my tongue probed her mouth, she closed her lips around it and sucked gently.

Her arms sliding down my back and pulled my T-shirt out of my shorts. I raised my arms over my head and Mila broke our kiss. She tugged the shirt over my head, and tossed it to the floor. Rubbing her hands up and down my chest and stomach, she sighed, "Damn Lauren, you feel good."

"So do you. Wow, Mila you can kiss! I—"

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