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I awoke in a bath tub, something I had encountered on my travels although I had never interacted with such a thing before. The water was warm and I could smell the saltiness. The strange people from earlier had obviously tried to simulate ocean water. It was a nice gesture for creatures who look like humans. Every part of their appearance made me want to come to the conclusion that they were humans however something felt off, something I couldn't quite place. Maybe it was their striking eyes or the atmosphere that followed them. I couldn't be sure and that meant I couldn't trust them.

I looked to my right being startled as I saw four figures lurking in the needlessly large tiled room. They seemed unaware of the fact I had awoken. With that thought I began to scheme of ways I could possibly escape. My stormy blue eyes came across a window, it was thin but surely I could fit through it. All I need to do is dry my tail. My brows furrowed as I lost focus on my surroundings and went through various scenarios in my head. A chuckle pulled me from my thoughts harshly causing me to hiss.

My eyes met a pair of ruby red orbs that looked down at me. I shivered as it felt as though these eyes were peering through my very soul. As though they could see into me and my mind. I found it disconcerting and yet his gaze gave me comfort. When these eyes ripped their gaze from me I felt a longing to have them returned to looking upon me. I allowed my eyes to travel, taking in the figures of a blonde in a doctor's coat, a blonde with glaring red eyes that only softened upon meeting mine, a man with a sorrowful expression that lightened when I looked into his similarly red eyes, and finally the man whom had chuckled. The men with red eyes each wore black. All of them in bespoke suits, you could see intricate details within them the more you looked. They each had long hair although the blonde had shorter hair than the other two. The blonde doctor felt irrelevant to me in that moment, as if he didn't even exist. It felt as if it were just these strange men and I, alone in the world and yet I didn't feel isolated, I felt tranquility settle over me.

"Well, you seem to have a pretty nasty bruise on the side of your head. It probably caused you to pass out back on the beach. I would like to run a few tests though, if you don't mind." I suddenly was pulled away from the ruby eyes of the men dressed in black and directed towards the doctor. I simply tilted my head in response, my wavy black hair falling across my shoulders. The doctor seemed to pause, a look passing across his face that I have seen upon many men. He thinks I'm a creature so undeveloped I can't understand a word he is saying. My red lips pulled themselves into a smirk, I could've had fun with that however my desire to come to know the three men beside him was too great to simply play dumb for my own temporary amusement.

"I would rather you not run your tests, doctor. I am not a fan of needles and have a sneaking suspicion these 'tests' of yours will include quite a few of them." Shock crossed the men's faces. I smiled maliciously, batting my dark eyelashes to soften my hard expression.

"Of course, I will return you to the sea when you are well enough and I apologise for this tub being all we can provide you." His words were genuine and soft melting my cold exterior. This doctor couldn't be human. He seemed so pure, so sweet. So unlike the dreadful sailors I had encountered or the men I had been told tales about.

"No need, could you give me a hand getting out of here." I raised my almost paper white arms in a faux demanding gesture causing the ruby eyed blonde to scoop me into his arms and pull me tight to his chest. I could feel my heart race as a feint blush coated my cheeks. "Just set me down on the floor please, and pass me a towel." I spoke, voice wavering slightly. His touch on my skin caused a feeling of electricity to radiate from where his skin met mine and butterflies to erupt within my stomach. He did so, placing me gently onto a wooden floor as if I was a delicate piece of China that could crack with one false move. I raised my small hands to grasp a towel that was passed to me by the good doctor. I pulled my eyes that had previously been focused on the mystical men towards my black tail. I took in a deep breath of nervousness. It had been many years since I had last done this and the reaction of men was generally not a pleasant one.

I dragged the snow-white towel across my tail, caressing it gently as I wiped the water from my scales. Gradually the scales from my hips began paling before turning to skin, the rest of my fin slowly following suit. I stood before turning on my foot to meet the astounded gaze of one pair of golden eyes and three ruby red eyes. The ruby red eyes lingered on my body, their gazed like gentle blades running across my skin. The doctor however turned away before muttering something about getting clothes from one of the girls.

The men dressed in black approached me slowly, like predators surrounding their prey. I felt suddenly exposed as I pulled the towel tight to my chest, covering my bosom and my belle-chose. I flushed even more than I did previously, my face no doubt not coated in a rose-red. I had previously scoffed at the thought of human's being so embarrassed upon someone seeing them bare and yet here I stood. I felt not ashamed but rather afraid of being seen as unsatisfactory to these men who looked like gods walking among men. A hand poked through the now partially closed white door and I brushed past the three men to reach for the garments being passed through. Though I was facing away from them I could still feel their eyes on me causing me to shiver, although not in a way of fear or distress. It felt like something quite different that I could never put into words.

I pulled the garments over myself, feeling displeasure radiate from the men as my form was hidden by the clothes. The shirt was black with lace intricacies throughout and the jeans were simple, black and ripped. I turned to face the men again, raising a brow. My usual confidence now fully restored. My eyes looked upon them in questioning, I felt such a connection with them and knew that they too felt it. I silently demanded and explanation from the godlike men. My eyes traced over each one, awaiting a response as I got lost in each delicate curvature of their forms. I felt also their eyes upon me, they did not feel like judgmental glances but rather like an observer gazing upon fine art. The thought made me flush as I realised their closeness. My breathing hitched as they came closer.

"We are your mates, piccolo." A soft voice came from the one whom had once looked so solemn, however he now held a distinctly different look upon his face and his eyes held emotions I could not place. I did not know then how much these few words would change my life forever.

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