Welcome to Volterra

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Before I knew it we had landed in Volterra, Italy. I had been there before of course but it had been a while. I almost forgot the soothing scent that drifted through the streets or the sound of people laughing as they moved between restaurants or bars. It was night and the only light guiding me and keeping me from straying from the pack of vampires was the gentle glow of light that spilled through windows or open doors of either homes or shops. I tread carefully across the stone roads, keeping each foot I placed on the ground within the stone, careful to avoid the cement that glued the road together. I began to giggle as I ran across the stones just the way I used to when I was much younger and when times were kinder. I heard chuckles causing me to turn to face the group of ruby eyed vampires. I sheepishly smiled before turning away and looking to the floor as I walked, normally this time.

We began to approach a fountain that had perfectly curved stones and a brilliant centrepiece that almost acted as a reflection upon what Volterra was to the vampire world. The centrepiece to their worlds whether they knew it, liked it, accepted it or not.

We slowly passed by the fountain and I was ushered into a hallway that I was presuming led to the much feared Volturi castle. Though I have talked very little to vampires throughout my existence as not many know of us, every single one that came to mind seemed to hold the same fear of these halls and of the people within. It was rumoured that once you were summoned into the halls of Volterra castle, you never came back out. Whether you were a vampire, a human or otherwise. I shrugged away those thoughts that seemed to make my heart pound at my ribs.

I tilted my head to the right to see Caius suppressing a smile as he looked at me, completely transfixed. I smiled shyly before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear causing the sides of his lips to twitch upwards softly before he turned away. We continued walking until we reached an elevator; promptly my life became, for the moment, like a jigsaw piece as everybody tried to fit into the steel coffin. When the doors shut and the music began to play I felt the oversized tin can jolt upwards before moving again smoothly upwards. I felt my airways constrict as it felt increasingly more like a python had wrapped itself around my throat. A weight began to build on my chest, feeling almost strong enough to crush my rib cage entirely. I felt a hand touch my shoulder causing me to jump and look towards the source. The rose-red eyes of Aro looked upon me with great concern showing in the light furrowing of his brows and soft frown painted across his features.

"What? Last time I saw an elevator was in the silence of the lambs and it didn't seem to go very well for those inside of it, or rather on top of it." I forced an awkward smile onto my face, hearing a few chuckles, mainly from the guards surrounding us. Aro seemed unconvinced, but released my shoulder when the doors to the cage we had been contained in opened. We all walked out along empty stone halls until we reached a door. Before I could so much as blink, the mahogany door was opened and the guards had disappeared from sight leaving only the vampire kings and I in the hallway.

I slowly stepped into the room seeing an unnecessarily large bed, or at least it seemed that way to me, covered in a luxurious red satin. The bed had a matching red canopy that held a slightly darker and embroidered satin curtain. Black roses acted as a trim of sorts upon these such curtains. I looked to the ceiling seeing exquisite carving acting like a frame to the flawless painting of a cherub in the clouds. The walls were a warm cream however there were gold flickers of paint forming intricate pattens upon it. The carpet was a simple red making me feel thankful for anything simplistic being in this room. In the corner was a dark oak dresser with a similar wooden chair that held a deep red cushion upon it. A detailed carving held the mirror above this dresser in pride of place. But upon the dresser was a set of scented candles. I inhaled the scent of roses and hawthorn that seemed to intermingle in the air forming a soothing and relaxing scent. I felt a gust of air behind me, knowing at once three specific vampires were now stood behind me. I felt a soft, cold peck place itself upon the maps of my neck sending shivers down my spine. Soon, one hand held my chin, tilting my head upwards delicately before another pair of lips met my lips. Shortly after I felt trails of kisses upon the other side of my neck as soft caresses moved across my body sending pleasurable shivers throughout me. I softly bit my rosey lips as the face of Caius whom had previously claimed my lips looked down at me with adoration. I felt wanted.

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