Comforting embraces

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I had expected to wake up to the familiar house of the blonde doctor however I found myself shaken awake only to see two of the kings sat in front of me in leather chairs and another beside me. However these chairs were not in a room per say, this I knew when I looked to my left only to see rows of oval shaped windows plastered on a curved white wall. I allowed my eyes to trace the shapes of far away cities and the fluffy clouds that moved to cover them like curtains of the sky. I turned my head to face Marcus and Aro who both simply smiled at me, no malicious intent beneath their expressions or imbedded in their eyes. They seemed genuinely content. To my right Caius held a similar expression although his lips were only slightly rugged into a smile like he was desperately trying to keep himself from doing so whilst also letting slip his joy in the cracks of his visage.

When I turned back to the windows I saw the sun's reflection upon the clouds and upon the sea, seeming warm and inviting. I heard footsteps approach us, seeing a teapot and teacup being placed on the table between us in my peripheral vision. I turned to face the blonde whom stood with a seemingly unmovable smirk on his face although it too held to malicious intent. It seemed like that of a mischievous child rather than a vampire whom was god knows how old.

"Now what would la piccola regina like to eat today?" His voice came across just as playful as his demeanour did upon first glance. He sounded like he was always on the edge of giggling at a joke no one else could hear. A smile found its way to my face although one of confusion took over shortly after as I realised what he had said. The little queen?

"I'm afraid you probably don't have the type of food that I would like." I spoke with a shy smile on my face as a faint blush coated my face as I looked downwards.

"Why would that be? We have plenty of varieties of salads, sandwiches, crisps and other various things." He spoke, the happiness that interlaced through his words never once faltering.

"Well, people like me, the mulieres maris, don't really eat human food per say." A look of confusion flittered across the faces of the four male vampires caused me to continue. "Well, we are know as the mulieres maris or women of the sea and it acts almost as a more general term for us which we much prefer. For example a mermaid would be considered to be beautiful and good whereas a siren is considered ugly and evil in their respective folklores. These creatures although the tales originate from us, the mulieres maris, they do not fully explain us. We can survive for many months without food however the story of the siren originated from when sailors would witness what would happen to those unfortunate enough to cross us when we are hunting." Despite my words the confusion on the faces of the men only seemed to deepen. I sighed as my brows lightly furrowed as a light blush coated my cheeks once again. "We consume the flesh of people to survive."

Silence followed as a tension built in the room that felt like it thickened the air making it harder and harder for me to breath. I quickly stood and moved towards the back of the plane where I found a toilet and promptly locked myself in it. In hindsight it was a pretty poor defence against vampires however they seemed to leave my be if only for a few minutes whilst I regained my ability to breath. I allowed myself to count the number of drips coming from the tap or scan over the soft blue paint on the walls.

A soft knocking on the door promptly stopped my profuse scanning of my surroundings and caused me to swallow down the saliva that had promptly begun building up in my mouth.

"La mia bella rosa, you do not need to hide from us. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We love you regardless of what you think of yourself and who you are. We will never judge you again on what you are and in return you must promise to do the same curtesy for yourself. You are worthy of love." The soft voice of Aro lulled me into a state of calm although his words caused tears to prick at my eyes as they desperately tried to escape. I slowly allows my porcelain coloured hand to grasp at the door and unlock it before sliding it open. I allowed my head to be pulled downwards by gravity, not having the energy to hold it up nor the wanting to have the three kings who no doubt stood before me see me in this state. I felt at once three embraces wrap around me making me at once melt into them and my sadness drifted away like a distant memory. I wished only that this moment could last forever.

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