Our monstrous nature

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I wish that I could have simply forgive them for all they did. I knew I had no definitive evidence for any of their actions having been overtly sexual or romantic with these two women however their reactions, their expressions of guilt portrayed all I needed to know.

I sat staring blankly out of the window, my icy eyes glaring at passer-byes as they meander into their meaningless lives. Nothing held meaning now; this pain had become all encompassing like a python constricting around my very soul. I hadn't eaten in days, ever since I found out about the wives of my mates.


The word hurt to say let alone think. I thought back to the passionate embraces and felt my heart flutter and thought of those embraces being given to another and felt it smash all over again.

I traced my ruby lips with my pale fingers now feeling the cracks within them. I allowed my fingertips to dance across my face, feeling the grey scales emerge as I did so. I did not have the energy to hide the true monster within and as such I felt my skin turn grey and cold. My tail appeared, it's coal colour contrasting with the ruby satin sheets. I held my hand in front of my face seeing my nails blacken and elongate. I felt a prick upon my lips and allowed my mouth to gape before bringing my fingers to swipe across them. I pulled my hand away to see the black liquid that was my blood. I glanced across the room at the looking glass on the dressing table to see a ghostly figure glance back at me. One with dark black eyes and protruding white fangs.

A son escaped me as my eyes turned from my ghastly reflection, I wished only for them to hold me once again although how could they love me like this? And how could I love them when they hurt me so?

I felt a cold hand hold mine suddenly and a gasp follow it. I glanced upwards to see the dark black of Aro swelling with tears that could never fall. For a moment a deep unsettling feeling fell upon me as I saw his face without its usual smile, and a feeling of deep guilt as I knew I was the cause of it.

I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind me as the familiar scent of Marcus enveloped my senses. A familiar pale, thin hand made its way to my thigh as I looked up, seeing the blonde haired king with similarly black eyes. I knew I needn't turn around to see that it was much the same for Marcus.

"You haven't fed." My voice came out as croaky, my vocals audibly sore from lack of use causing the much feared vampire kings to flinch.

"And neither have you, mio caro." I heard the strained voice of the normally smiling king.

"We're sorry il mio amore." I heard the blonde king reluctantly mutter, guilt pooling as venom tears against his coal black eyes. I allowed my similarly black eyes to look towards the satin sheets, my free hand stroking the satin.

"I forgive you." With those simple words I saw joy return to the faces of the kings when I raised my head. I felt multiple embraces that felt like many tackles as I fell backwards onto the formerly sorrowful king's chest. I allowed a giggle to erupt from my chest, promptly stopping as I saw two pairs of charcoal eyes looking at me, smiles painted across their faces. "Does me looking like this bother you?" I finally spluttered out causing a look of surprise to come across Aro's and Caius' faces almost immediately.

"Of course not mio caro, you should never think that we would judge you for something as trivial as your beautiful appearance." Aro spoke, his breathy voice soothing me at once. I allowed a small, sheepish smile to cross my lips before silence filled the room once again.

"I suppose eventually I'll have to learn Italian to learn what you're actually saying, you could be calling me anything."  I hear chuckles and feel myself move with Marcus as his chest rumbles with his quiet laugh.

I smile as I look across the kings' faces.

Perhaps everything might work out alright.

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