I: Don't Make A Sound

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Make A Sound

Day 0

Quiet. Don't speak now. Don't make a sound. Just listen to the sound of the rain. That pattering sound that almost makes a melody in your mind as it repeats over and over again. That symphony that starts to play amidst the rain as the impact of the drops form a beat. Let it capture you. Let it hold you. Don't take your mind off it. This is all you have. All you have...to focus on. It's all that's there in the moment. Even as the planes take off out in the distance way past the falling drops and the people board their planes not far below the window at the boarding station. Just watch the world go by now. One last time. Watch the life you know. Don't let it escape you. Don't let the wind or the cold...pull you out of this moment.

How did I end up here? How did I get here? What led me to this moment? Was it all planned? Predestined? Was there truly nothing I could really do to prevent me falling into this moment? Maybe this really was all meant to be. Just my predetermined destiny I guess. Provided I believe in that sort of thing. I'm not really sure what I believe anymore. All I know is I'm going to die here. In this cold place.Surrounded by bodies. Surrounded by death. I already fit right in with all of these poor souls.

Just try to remember. Try to think back. Try to focus...to get yourself out of this reality and back into that...time.

I look away from the window. Away from the dark and dreary rainy outside world and the airport being caught in god's angry wrath. I stir my coffee with my spoon and let out a sigh. When did I become tired of living? When did I become tired of this life? When did it all just start eating away at me?

"Nea."My sister, Natasha, finally arrives back with her coffee. Our brother, Alex, isn't far behind her. They both work to take me out of that trancelike spell that the outside world has over me. Distracting me from the second chapter of The Hunter by Julia Leigh and bringing my focus more to the rain drops that collect on the window of the upper bar floor and the many massive airliners that are pulling in and out and maneuvering around the tarmac of the airport.None of them are mine though. None of them are ours. No, ours will be a much smaller plane. One of those medium sized ones over there on that smaller runway that are taking off to much more remote and...lonely places.

"Hey,you okay?" Natasha asks me.

"Yeah,why?" I smile back at her.

"I don't know, you just look kind of...I don't know."

"I'm fine Nat."

"You sure? Because we don't have to do this y'know." She says this as she takes my hand.

"No I know," I nod, "I know, I want to." I smile at her again, "maybe this will be good y'know? Good for me to...getaway."

"Okay."Natasha smiled back.

"Hello ladies." Natasha's fiance Mike interrupts as he arrives with Annie, Alex's girlfriend. "What are we discussing?"

"Nothing."Natasha covers.

"Oh? Secrets? Fair enough, leave the gossip to the women." Mike chuckles.

"Yeah and I'll leave the tampons for you." I tell him, hitting him and getting a laugh from everyone.

"Hey, remember who's cabin you're staying in when we get there, man."He tells me as he drinks his juice, "keep that up maybe I'll leave you outside for the bears."

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