V: It's All Up To You, Baby

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It's All Up


You, Baby

Day 5

You're standing there. Between the people dancing and the other people who are trying to do something that I guess sort of looks like dancing. You don't really belong there. You're out of your element and I can see it. You've never been the partying type and it shows.You're not even really making much of an effort to talk to anyone. So why do you catch my attention? Why is it you...out of all of the other guys in here? The half-drunk fools who think throwing punches will impress me. The other idiots who aren't drunk but are still stupid who think witty one-liners will be enough of a compliment to get me into bed. And...those...other guys. You know, the ones who keep talking and telling of all their accomplishments hoping it'll get me excited while they try to hide the ring on their finger?

No, I just see you. And I know you see me. So let's not play blind here. Let's not try to dance around the fact that we both feel it. The snap and the connection between the broken lyrics and rythym in the music. The shadows that slink and sleuth in the mystery fog of pot and cigarette smoke that invites old strangers to rediscover young lovers. What are we doing here? Why are we not already together?

I smile at you from across the room. You look in my direction but don't realize right away that it's you I'm smiling at. For a minute I guess you think it's someone behind you. You turn to make sure. Nope,it's you. And no, not that beer cup in your hand that you'r so preoccupied with either. Although I'm not gonna lie, I might want a sip. If that's okay with you, of course. Or maybe we could just steal a full keg instead. I don't really care. I'm ready to go. Ready to do anything, go anywhere. It's all up to you, baby. It's all up to you.

You smile back at me as you realize that no, it is indeed you I'm smiling at. And I return the smile again. A new song plays up and you know I recognize it. Just the way my body reacts to it says it all.Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress by The Hollies. Maybe I even requested it to be played. Doesn't matter. All that matters is what you see. And what you see...is me. Me as I let the song move me,guide me closer toward you. My hips are lose and my shoulders swing. But all I think you see is the black backless dress on me. I know, it's eerily appropriate for this song. Maybe I wanted it that way.

I make my seductive naughty face as I sing out the first couple lines of the second verse as soon as I reach you. It doesn't really seem to phase you but that's okay, I'm feeling energetic. And I'm up for a bit of a challenge tonight. You just keep looking at me with that same smile and wax statue look like I'm some kind of alien from another planet. Which is kind of fitting, since women are apparently from Venus. Since you don't start dancing with me I figure I'll join you instead. I grab your cup and take a drink from it. AIDs? Puh, who cares, by this point in my life I probably have that already anyway. Heh. I'm joking. I'm promiscuous not unsafe. Not that there's really much of a difference these days.

"What's your name?" You ask me.

I put my finger up to you to tell you to wait a minute while I keep downing what's left of your drink. I'm sorry, it's just that you're such a slow drinker. Kind of annoys me actually. But don't take it personally, I'm a Taft, professional drinking sort of runs in our family. You should meet-should have met my younger sister.

I finish the drink. I still want to dance. But fuck it, it's worth it talking to you anyway. So why the hell not?

"Neona." I say as a bit of a burp comes out. Attractive, a perfect first impression, "'scuse' me. Neona." I smile my cutest smile to try and compensate while I brush my blonde bangs out of my face. "What's yours?"

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