XVII: A Sweet Twilight Surrender

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Sweet, Twilight


Day 0

The sounds of beeping fill my ears. Something beeping and the faint but still audible sound of buzzing. Like a bee. I hate bees. I've been stung by enough of them. Blinding white light engulfs my vision as I slowly open my eyes. Heaven? The blinding light of heaven? Or some kind of other afterlife? No. I'm not dead. The white blankness that's engulfed my vision soon fades. And recedes into the fluorescent lights sitting above me on the white, blank tiled ceiling with patches of scuff and dirt on it. I grunt and start to moan as I feel the pain of...everything. Every...part of me hurts. And it hurts so much...that I can't even feel any single point of pain on my body. I just feel stinging here and there in good concentrations. And I moan and grunt because of it as I try and move. And try and return again. Try and get myself back together and return to consciousness. Figure out where I am and what's going on. I'm not dead. I'm sure of that. So I must be...somewhere else instead.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," a brown-haired man in scrubs and with a bit of a beard on his face repeats as he quickly rushes into my room and sets his hands down on my arm and leg to prevent me moving.

He scares the shit out of me. Maybe it's the sight of the big,bearded man named John trying to attack me out in those woods that flashes back in my mind as this man arrives to see me...but he scares the utter shit out of me. And I try even more for a moment to getaway, only hurting me even more.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey there," he says with a smile as he brings his hands back to himself and stands beside my bed, "easy. Easy now.You're injured. You're in very critical condition and you need to take things slow. Just...try not to move, okay?" He smiles as he brings a chair over and sits next to me on my bed.

I think he can tell from my expression. Even with the huge bruise around my left eye and the massive amount of cuts and scrapes allover my face, he can still tell from my expression, I'm not exactly trusting of him. And I think he still makes me a little uneasy to be around here to be perfectly honest.

He takes my hand in his, "you're safe now." He smiles as he looks into my cold, blue eyes with his bright green ones. "You're safe, okay? It's alright, you're okay. Just lie down...and breathe. You're alright."

I look around for a minute, finally taking a minute to look at everything while he radios in to several people with his walkie talkie. I lay my head back down and break into tears while laughing and throwing my arm over my face. My torn up arm. I laugh and cry at the same time as I realize. I finally know...for the first time in along time. That I've won. I made it out alive. I followed the fire. And I won. I survived. And now...now I'm safe. Something I haven't been in a long time. A lot of years. A lot of decades...a lot of centuries from what I feel. And I know...that I'm stronger than death itself.

"Look, this is Quail. Our straggler is awake, she looks like she's in a delirious state. Nicole, if you and Joanna want to get down here and see her we can sort this whole thing out, she looks like she's really scared. I don't think she's responding well to me. If I can get some uh...feminine energy over here, that'd be much appreciated, thanks."

"Roger that Quail, on my way." A woman radios back soon after.

I look around the room. Bright white and faded greyish blue walls. Tables and cabinets all around with medical curtains. A door not far ahead where the man had come through. Likely leading out to the rest of this medical station. I look on at the doorway as two women and another man emerge through into the room and come over next to the man near me. Quail, I think he said his name was.

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