XII: The Chicken, Or The Egg?

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                                                                                            Chicken, Or The


                                                                                                     Day 189

It doesn't take long for the sun to rise. Out here, it comes quickly. It's all too eager to rise up and start the day back over again. Get Martin and I going back on our feet. We should be thankful I guess, we should. It's cold out here, especially at night. So the sight of the sun climbing higher up in the sky to warm up the land is a welcome sight to say the least. But still, I could use some sleep. Especially after the last few days, I could use some sleep. But I know there's no time for that now. I have to keep moving, and I have to move now. Martin and I, both, have to move now. Have to make up for lost time. Everything we weren't able to do in the last few days. Be it due to the unexpected forest/lightning fire or the unexpected meeting of another 'person' out here or even the acquired injuries over the course of these last few days. It'd definitely clear to me,it's been a hell of a week. Although I guess nothing can really compare to my first week out here anymore. A downed plane, a bunch of bodies and a pack of wolves? Yeah, no, nothing can really compare anymore, maybe just come close.

"Heh," I chuckle at the thought of it, inciting a look from Martin.

"What's so funny?" He asks me without words.

"Wrecked planes, dead bodies and murderous wolves, guess I've  seen it all, huh?" I break into laughter and stop, leaning against a nearby tree while Martin just stands there and looks at me, tilting his head.

"You alright?" He says without words again.

"Fine, fine, yeah, I'm, I'm fine." I try to stop laughing, but I just can't, "guess I've seen a hell of a lot for one lifetime, huh boy?" I pat him on the head and resume laughing, he just looks so damn confused by it all.

"You sure you're alright?" I'm amazed by how well he can speak despite never actually opening his mouth. It's those eyes, those damn big, bright golden eyes. Coupled with that cute little furry face?That's how he gets me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright." I bury my face in the sleeve of my torn up sweater to try and stop my own laughter, "I uh, I think I just needed that little laugh there. Oh, thanks bud." I pat him on the head again and scratch behind his ear, "let's get moving again pal."

I'll lead the way, as usual. It isn't like Martin really even knows where we're going. As far as he's concerned, wherever I am is home.And wherever he is, is home for me. I only wish that were true. We're both trying to get back to my home. That's what I'm doing at least,and I intend for him to come with me, definitely. So that's where we're gonna go. Go looking for survival, for hope. For a way out of this frikkin' place. Some way, one way or another, we'll make it out of here, out of this place. We'll make it out alive. I know we will.I know it. Follow the sun, follow the fire. You'll make it out alive.

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