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"You will never be safe with me."

"I couldn't be safer with anyone else." She gripped his hand and looked up into those deep brown eyes she had come to know. "I'm not leaving you."

He sighed and released her hand to slip another magazine into his weapon. "Fine."


Amy Adams as

Jessica Powell

Keanu Reeves as

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Keanu Reeves as

John Wick

John Wick

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Well would you look at that.

I'm starting a new book even though I'm way behind on my other two.

I'm starting a new book even though I'm way behind on my other two

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I'm sorry.

I know that I need to work on Meant to Be and Foundation but I've got writers block for both of them right now and I'm also going through a John Wick phase. I've been wanting to write this because I think Keanu is very under appreciated and I'm having trouble finding good fics about him/his characters so I figured I'd make my own.

Since the John Wick movies are much less fluffy than Aquaman and Spider-Man this will - hopefully - be very different from the other two stories I have. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some deeper writing out of this that I can then apply to my other fics and anything I write in the future.

So basically this is my guinea pig story to experiment with a different writing style and level.

As always the characters from John Wick do not belong to me, nor the story or plot lines from the movies; but, Jessica Powell does so please don't take her. She's mine.

Now, without further ado, please enjoy Warriors.

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