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Hi guys! I just wanted to give y'all a quick author's note about how the story is going to continue. So obviously the first few chapters haven't followed the events of the first movie so far. I did this because I couldn't find a way to fit Jessica in to John's story without either 1) altering John's storyline and plot development which I LOVE or 2) having Jessica knowingly be involved in Continental affairs which I really wanted to avoid.

I don't know enough about combat to accurately portray an OC that is largely a part of it and I like having characters that are more relatable in their normalcy. I also wanted time to develop Jessica's character rather than immediately pushing her into a new world where she may act differently as opposed to her normal behavior.

In the next chapter they will (obviously) be going to the Continental. Their arrival will be set during the same scenes that John first shows his face at the Continental again. The attacks on him and Jessica are set after Viggo sends men to John's home to try and deal with everything.

So that's where we are in the timeline! I'm planning to get chapter six out tonight (maybe tomorrow) so y'all won't need to wait too long.

Thank you so much for the support and votes! It really means a lot to me! This story has become my baby and I'm already in love with Jessica and John so I'm glad that other people are enjoying it as well.

If any of you are coming off of my other fics I'M SO SORRY. I know it's not fair to be updating this constantly and hardly touching the other two, but I've had no inspiration for Meant to Be and no motivation for Foundation. Hopefully Far From Home will reinvigorate my obsession with Spider-Man and will get me going again. But with Meant to Be I'm just not happy with where it's going or how my writing has been and I really believe in quality over quantity. I'll keep trying to figure out a way to make Amelia and Arthur's story work, but if I can't I'll likely discontinue it and delete it.

If you've read this far, thank you again, you're amazing, and I love you for reading my story. I'll crank out chapter six soon and we'll get on track with the movie.

Much love!

(I promise this is one of very few author's notes)

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