Note II

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Hi guys! I just wanted to thank everyone for the votes and comments if you left any and to say thank you for getting Warriors to a thousand reads! I know that to others that might be a modest amount but I never thought I'd be here and that people would want to read what I put out so thank you so much!

I also wanted to say that I'm sorry because my plan was to be done with this already, but apparently getting ready for college and college it self takes up a lot of time... who knew right?

I'm still trying to update all my stories as regularly as possible because this is now kind of my escape from responsibility, however it is football season and I go to a school that's huge on football (don't worry though I'm not that into it).

But I will be attending some games so I'm not shunned and likely won't have much time - if any - on those weekends. However I will do my best because Oh mY gOD I want to get to the next two movies and keep going!!

So yeah. It will probably be a week or two before I update here again because I think Foundation is a little neglected right now, but I will return!

Alright, y'all, I'll see you soon... hopefully.

T's and G's

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