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For the entire car ride Jessica was wiping the palms of her hands up and down the fabric of her dress. To be honest, she was terrified. She was sitting in her car with a man who she hardly knew - yet oddly trusted - on her way to a hotel that was a sanctuary for the world's most skilled and dangerous assassins. Just your every day, run of the mill Monday morning. She had no idea what to expect. For all she knew John could've been playing it down in everything he told her last night, or he had been exaggerating so she wouldn't be shell shocked at everything she sees.

Jessica glanced over at John, timidly licking her lips as to not smudge her lipstick. He looked unearthly calm. Sure, his brow was scrunched up, but Jessica had determined this to just be his resting facial expression. His hands lay loosely on the steering wheel as they crossed over Manhattan Bridge, the sunrise serving as a backdrop behind him. Jessica toyed with the fantasy that perhaps they were going to the theatre or ballet rather than to what could potentially be the death of the both of them - more likely Jessica than John. She almost immediately scolded herself. She knew that she had to get out there at some point, but what would a highly attractive hitman want with her?

More importantly, what does she want with a highly attractive hitman?

Of course she trusts that he wouldn't harm her without reason, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous or his occupation any less illegal. Even though he takes out some of the bad guys, he still works with them, making him a bad guy by association. At least that's what Jessica tried to convince herself of.

When they finally arrived at the Continental a valet rushed out to open Jessica's door. He moved to help her out of the low vehicle but another hand appeared and all but pushed his out of the way. It pulled her up and out of the car and Jessica looked up through her thickly coated eyelashes to find John. She hadn't even heard him get out. Once she was stable he turned back around and retrieved their bags as well as a third, larger case that she supposed he had put in the trunk earlier.

Jessica snatched her bag out of his hand before he could protest. She appreciated the chivalry and honestly enjoyed having a man around to do polite, domestic things like this but she didn't want to make him her pack mule either. John gave her a look that would've gone unnoticed by anyone else, but spending just two days with him had given Jessica enough time to pick up on his tells. She simply batted her eyelashes at him innocently and sauntered up the staircase. With one of his hands now free he placed it on the small of her back, guiding her through the lobby and to the concierge's desk at the end of it. It was a warning to everyone and even Jessica knew it. He was telling everyone that she was his. Though she wasn't really his no one else had to know that. All they had to know was that they were in this together and if anyone tried to fuck with her they would have the devil to answer to.

A woman in all black stood at the desk in front of them. She glanced over her shoulder, her gaze first landing on John. She blatantly looked him up and down until her eyes followed his arm to the woman in front of it. Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Jessica, wondering if she had ever seen her before and trying to figure out how much of a threat she was. She turned back around to receive her room key and number and then walked past them. She leaned towards John on her way past.

"Good seeing you again, John."

He nodded in her direction. His voice almost sounded annoyed when he acknowledged her. "Perkins."

Jessica had to hide a smirk at his obvious lack of interest in "Perkins".

The two stepped forward together and John set down his large case. A smartly dressed black man with a kind face stood behind the desk. He looked up from his desktop and smiled at Jessica before directing his attention to John.

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