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One of the goals of spiritual life and one of the requirements of inner peace is to learn to love unconditionally. The problem is, it's really hard to love a person, any person, unconditionally.

But if we select a plant, indoor or outdoor, that you will see every day. Practice taking care of and loving that plant might not be difficult.

But if we talk with our plant, tell it how much you love it, your plant will blossom. You will notice the livelihood in it. But looking at Arzoo's already broken state Ali was more strained for her future with Amaan. He knew how difficult person he is and how fragile she is!

Anabia broke his train of thoughts.

'' Ali have you called Amaan?

He is not picking my phone?''

I know that bastard, He is intentionally not picking his phone.

He mentally sighed.

'' yeah I will call him don't worry if he is busy, I will call Suzy''

Ali cleared his throat to get Arzoo's attention

'' um.... Ar..... I ...'' he took a deep breath and looked at her.

''Ok I don't know what I should call you sister in law or sister or just Arzoo?''

Arzoo's cheeks became crimson unwantedly she was blushing.

Uff why am I blushing?

'' um.... I ... I ...t...think Arzoo would be b...better''

Again, she started fudging with her fingers.

You are so naïve Arzoo I really wish I could help you.

Ali mentally said to himself.

Ali called Amaan many times, but he was not receiving his calls.

Finally, he called Suzy

'' good morning sir how may I help you?''

'' good morning Suzy

Where is Amaan?''

'' sir he just left the conference room the meeting is over now''

'' ok thank you''

He tried to call him again and this time he picked up the phone.

'' this got to be fucking important Ali?''

He roared.

Ali scatch his neck to control his anger but it seemed no use.

'' yes, it is and thank you I am fine and also everyone else are all fine too.

Your fiancé is waiting for you and all the arrangements are done as well.

Hall is booked, guests are invited, and also your clothes and Arzoo's clothes all are ready''

Amaan was still, he scratch is eye brow and got Ali's sarcastic ceomments.

'' what the fuck are you talking about?''

Ali really wanted to slap him hard this time, how can he behave like nothing is happening?

Although, he himself agreed for the wedding. And here his family is working hard to sit things and make the best of arrangements, but he himself is busy in a fucking revenge business.

What the fuck!!!!!

'' what the fuck is wrong with you Amaan?

Are you out of your bullshit mind?''

Amaan sighed .

'' what do you want to say make it fast I am extremely tired, I need to sleep''.

''you are tired?

You want to sleep?

You give a bullshit to all these people's hard work and emotions?

You give a bullshit to this innocent girl's emotions?

What the fuck you want brother?

You himself agreed for this wedding and now you are not available in your own wedding''

Ali growled angerly.

'' not wedding, I am not getting married remember this.

I am just doing a charity to that piece of shit. I am giving her a shelter and giving my family some peace of mind. I give a damn to her. I will marry her but that bitch will never be my wife.

She is not my standard.

She is a burden, she was and she will be.

I never give something free to any one, so this charity is not free too.

She will be indebted, and I very well know how to make her pay her debts.

You know me Ali so stop fucking give me lectures and don't call me again I need to sleep, I am fucking tired, he gave that fucker some piece of his mind, but I am not satisfied.''

He rubbed his temples, his eyes were tired from lack of sleep. Ever sice he landed in US, he got to his business and avoid sleep.

With that he cut the call.

Ali knew it he was talking about Dolph Philips.

He turned and looked at her who was smiling while Anabia was telling her something.

She was wearing a long white skirt with a brown cowl sweater and brown leather jacket.

Modesty was her jewelry, so she was wearing a brown scarf too covering her head.

I am sorry Arzoo

I know about all these things but still I can't help you.

Seeing his tense features, Anabia got it that what must have happened between these two friends.

Ali gave her an assuring look.

And she nodded.

Mr. Ahmad and Mrs. Zarina were asking about Amaan too.

'' he is coming aunty don't worry his work just got finished he will be here till wedding''

Mrs. Zarina sighed

'' why he is like this?
I hope that Arzoo change him and I know he will change, Arzoo will change him.

My son will be a human again not a working machine''

She smiled to her husband.

Ali felt sad for her false hopes from this marriage.

I wish I could tell you aunty that what's in your son's mind regarding this marriage, but I am tied up in his friendship and also your health is not stable too.

I wish too that Arzoo change him.

He squeezed her gentle hand and nodded.

Finally, after a long day of get together, night arrived.

Rahmani family went to their house but not before Mrs. Zarina hugged her daughter in law and blessed her with her blessings.


short chapter i know.

keep reading with a smile.

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