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Negative thoughts and tensions are like birds. We can not stop them from flying near us, but we can certainly stop them from making a nest in our mind, but in this situation nest was already build and bird was also roaming around. But everything was running away from her in her head. How can she control her life when the one with whom she is bounded by religion and law, was not paying her heeds at all. How can she believe that the relationship they are sharing is not based on the length of time they spent together. It's based on the foundation they should built together. But what was she bantering with?

She was his concubine, not wife?

So what relationship was she thinking about?

Ali saw her turmoil and as always he felt bad for her. He needed to help her since he knew that what relationship did Amaan was sharing with Arzoo. He was not considering her as his wife and Ali knew that very well. He mentally sighed.

'' let me help you, although I know that he will curse me for doing so, but i am ok with it. But if you go inside then I don't know what will he do with you'' he told Arzoo with a assuring yet concern voice.

Arzoo shivered. She was aware of his anger. Her back and arm were still paining.

She nodded to the kindest man she can call a brother or a friend. And give him a small smile. But Ali could see how much hurt she was. He shook his head and entered his GYM.

'' hey bro '' he tried to act teasingly around him.

Amaan was busy on his punching, he glanced at him and continued his punching.

Ali saw how hardly he was punching. He does that when he is extremely angry. Then he burst his anger on punching someone or punching is punching bag in his private gym.

This is so hard to talk to him right now, If I take Arzoo's name! then I don't know what will be his reaction. But I have to help that poor soul. At least this I can do to her if I can't do much. He took a deep breath and looked at Amaan intently.

'' Amaan there is a situation and you need to be involved as .......... A husband''

He hesitatingly said it. And that stopped Amaan's punches. He catched the flying punching bag but not before punching it hard one last time.

He was panting and sweating. Sweat beads were falling from his temples and his hair were stuck to his forehead.

He took off his gloves and cleaned his sweat with his towel. Amaan looked at Ali with a motion to continue.

'' its not my place to tell you, you should ask this from your wife who is waiting for you in the lawn. I think you should talk to her and listen to her'' Ali said with lace of concern in his voice for Arzoo.

Amaan took his water bottle and start drinking water. He took few deep breaths and looked at Ali.

'' she wants to go?''

He asked in a calm voice which was not dreading than his angry voice. Ali nodded his head.

'' look bro, it's your life. I am your best friend but I have nothing to say in your personal life. Except telling you to give this marriage a chance. She is very innocent for you. Don't damage her, don't break her yo...''

'' you are done?''

Amaan didn't let Ali finish as he irritatingly stopped him. Amaan glared at Ali.

'' she is not my fucking wife, I have married her but she is way too far from my statues to be my wife.

She is a burden on me. But don't worry she is indebted to me and I will fucking make sure she pay her debts'' Ali had nothing to say to him because he knew that nobody can change his mind but only if Arzoo change his mind toward herself. He knew Amaan is not a bad person. But right now he hated the fact of his marriage. Arzoo was too innocent, maybe she change him or he will lose her.

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