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It takes courage to love, but pain through love is purifying fire which those who love generously know. And love comes with pain.

We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clam in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death.

But can we suffocate our feelings?

Feeling of pain,

Feeling of love,

Feeling of fear,

Feeling of living.

We can't and for that we need a touch of a life.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, of the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Because stars cannot shine without darkness, and life cannot dazzle without hurdles.

Arzoo was clawing in the hurdles of her life but she had a tiny hope that someday things will be fine and she will not give up on this marriage.

Life is like a coin. Pleasure and pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at time. But remember other side is also waiting for its turn. But what are we expecting?

Is it pleasure or pain?

We cant change what going on around us, until we start changing what's going on within us. We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

The twilight faded away and the new dawn stretched across the horizon. Hues of purple and orange was embracing the morning sky. The misty dew laden on the leaves was getting evaporated. Sunrise peeked from faraway. Bringing new hopes and new lives. Birds chirping, singing their day's routine while Rahmani mansion was praying for the pillar who was going under the knives today.

Mrs. Zarina was going to have her operation today. Arzoo slept beside her last night and today she made her promise that she will look after Amaan no matter what, she will work on this marriage.The operation took 24 hours for recovery and she was draining. She desperately needed to rest while Anabia and Mr. Ahmad forced her to go and take rest but Arzoo denied. Amaan was restless. It was taking time and he needed his mother fine no matter what. Arzoo witnessed this side of Amaan which was new for her.

He loves his mother a lot, good at least there is someone who he loves. And there is someone who can make him to act like a human.

'' listen peasants!

I want my mother fine, do you understand me what I am saying?

If anything happened to her, anything then trust me you and your family will not see the dawn and I will smirch the life out of you guys. I know how to deal with rustic people like you and you fucking do not want to know what will I do to you'' with that warning he left them but didn't noticed that Arzoo saw it all. She swallowed hard and pray to Mrs. Zarina and to the team of drs.

''how can he behave like that to them?

Everything is in Allah ( j )'s hand. He should pray''

Arzoo was feeling weak. She skipped her meals, she didn't remember when did she eat. But right now her all concern was on Mrs. Zarina. Praying for her health and well being. Arzoo had no parents of her own. But she had the idea of the pain of not having your parents beside you. She still remember their love and concern for her. They memories were very fresh but at the same time daunting.

'' mama what is suicide bomb blast?'' her tiny mind asked a big and horrific question which startled her mother, and caused her to stop cutting veggies. She looked at her 5 years old beautiful amber eyes daughter looking at her innocently while biting an apple. Her mother cleaned her hands and sat beside her.

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