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Meanwhile back at the Autobot's base...... (A few hours ago)

:You've got this.: Bumblebee said and gave Smokescreen an encouraging pat on the shoulder. Smokescreen gave him a nervous smile and looked at his target- Optimus.

Currently the Prime was still working on decoding the next set of clues. Smokescreen took a deep breath and once again berated himself for not doing this sooner. 'If he says no I am in deep scrap.' Smokescreen thought and crossed his digits. Finally he walked towards Optimus.

"Um...Optimus?" he called.

"Yes?" Optimus said sparing him a quick glance to let him know he was listening.

"Can I have the night off?" Smokescreen asked.

"Do you have a good reason for it?" Optimus asked.

"I'm going to watch a movie with Eve tonight." Smokescreen said.

Optimus paused and turned around to look at him. "You are going out on a date tonight?"

"Yes. I mean, no! I mean, yeah I'm going out but it's just to hang out with a friend you know. Relax, bond together not anything romantic I mean, that's ridiculous." Smokescreen said and gave a nervous fake laugh.

Bumblebee who was watching face palmed. (A/N: Faceplate servoed? Again, I'm not sure.) 'Smooth, Smokey. Real smooth.' He thought sarcastically.

Optimus just looked at him, faceplate stoic betraying no emotion or thoughts. Smokescreen shuffled his pedes nervously. "So, am I in the clear?" he asked.

Optimus thought about it and looked at the mechling he has come to see as a son-like figure similar to Bumblebee. The Prime wasn't blind and he was anything but stupid. He was already well aware of Smokescreen's affection towards Evelyn that extended pass that of a guardian and charge. And he knew what a 'crush' was as the humans call it. He's not surprised seeing as to how back on Cybertron, bots would eventually go through something similar.

"Yes." Optimus said.

Smokescreen ex-vented a long breath he didn't know he held. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it." He turned around to leave but Optimus stopped him.

"Smokescreen." He called. Smokescreen turned around and saw that Optimus was now fully facing him. The leader seemed to be thinking carefully on what to say. "You are well aware a war, many things have to be sacrificed and many things are lost."

Smokescreen nodded. "I am well aware of that, sir."

"As your leader in this war, I would advise to....not get attached too close." Optimus said.

Smokescreen felt a small sense of panic settle in and he swallowed. "What do you mean?" he asked carefully and decided to play the I-don't-know-what-you're-talking-about card.

Optimus shook his helm. "Smokescreen, I am well aware of the feelings you have towards Eve." He said. 

'Oh scrap.' Smokescreen thought. "Optimus, I can explain myself-" Optimus put a servo up to stop him and Smokescreen began to brace himself for the consequences. 'Oh boy, I've done it this time. Please don't kick me out please don't kick me out.' He prayed.

"As I was saying, as your leader in war, I would advise you to not enter a relationship considering the circumstances." He said.

Smokescreen nodded.

"However, as your leader I also want you to know that if you truly do love her, then I respect your decision." Optimus said.

Smokescreen's helm snapped up. Did he just hear that right? "Say what?" he said.

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