chapter 8 : bamn !! boom !!

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I woke up to the sweet bitter aroma of coffee beans being freshly brewed. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Payne standing in the kitchen brewing fresh coffee. I stood up from the couch and went to my brother. I reached Payne , giving him a hug , but he immediately withdrew from me. I frowned at him , but he ignored my look and went around the kitchen preparing breakfast . After finishing all the chores he filled a tray with eggs , toast and a cup of coffee . At one moment I thought it was for me , but when he brushed past me I knew that it wasn't what I thought . I thought after tomorrow's conversation we became close again but I guess I was wrong . He took the tray to mom's room for her . At least he still cares for mom
Well I guess now that no one is left, then I need to pour my own cup of coffee. I took out my favorite cup and poured myself coffee . The sweet bitter aroma of coffee reaches my nostrils leaving me in a better mood . I took my coffee to the couch and Sat down on one side sipping my heaven . Midway through my relaxation I heard footsteps approaching . I thought Payne came out of mom's room after feeding her . But what I found behind me was not expected at all . I found smogens guard surrounding me . I can't even run or use magic to save me from them . I eventually freaked out and called for Payne , he came rushing through mom's door in panic and found me surrounded by smogens . He quickly came to my rescue and hid my small figure behind his large one protectively . I felt relaxed now that he's here , I know he can handle this I believe in him . While giving me this pep talk I forgot to focus on present situation and missed the starting of the intense conversation exchanged between them . But I got the tail end.
One the bulky guard was ahead and was talking to Payne , he said " you have to do this otherwise we'll take you all back to where you belong"
"We ain't coming back " he flared his nostrils at this .
I got a little scared at this because angry Payne , not a good Payne😓.
Those guards left us without saying anything after this . They poof instantly and were no where to be seen . Payne did a cross check in the whole house if they were gone or not . After his search when he was satisfied , he sat himself down on the couch . He became still . So still that it scared me , so I carefully reached him and called him out ," Pay ? , you okay ? ....... what happened ? Why were they here?...... " 

He slowly craned his neck upwards to look at me and replied ,"pax , they want us to do something big ..... something that could distract the whole island so they ... they could  grab  Nate with them for investigation . They know that he's the one crowned with the unwearable title of  'The descendant ' . and if we don't then they'll take us back with them . Either way it is us or him . ..........😟" without a second's hesitation I replied ," its him . Not us , we are never going back . Let's see ... so when do we have to do this big thing  ? "

"tomorrow  apparently . They need him quick and safe .... so we should start planning , what should we do ? 

"so  here's what I think we should do ....... "


continued from chapter 5 .......

Nate was  talking to Gabe .... trying to find answers .... 

Nate," how could  I possibly be the answer to everything ? ..... You say there is a story ... why don't you tell me the story ? "

Gabe ," well Nate my dear , this story will be ..... too much for you to take in now . You , as far I know , are totally  new to this world "

Nate , " but I have the right ...... and I am not even going anywhere ..


I was cut off by sounds of explosion , Gabe was instantly alert at this sound and  stood up in front of me . The small white door burst open and in came men with plain white clothes with...................... sticks ?🤔 There were so many of them that I was not even able to count them . one thing was sure that they were not cloudanians , because not a single man was wearing anything shiny . All of them were in plain clothes .   

I was just processing all this through my head when two hands from each side grabbed me by my hand and lifted me .They were holding me in death grip, but I can't let them take me just like this . I need to fight them , maybe ... maybe I could throw them  off, but looks like the way they were holding me ..... it was impossible for me to even move my fingers . Gabe meanwhile was fighting his nail off with those men . Unaware of my state , I shouted to grab his attention , Gabe turned around and saw those men straddling me . He immediately came to my rescue but those men were quicker than him I guess , they carried me out of the room ... I tried to fight them but all was vain . They were too big and muscly too take on by me .They moved me out of the room and I saw the fight or chaos or WAR may be that was happening outside . Everyone was busy fighting . They all were so dangerously kicking or punching or magicking each other . People were bleeding and I even saw Edward being dangerously bruised by one of the men . all this was happening so quickly it was hard to take in all the scene . It was looking like a scene from a action movie .  While they were taking me to wherever they want , I got a glimpse of Paxi .... my face lit up at a familiar face .... I called her again and again . But she ..... didn't even looked up and and went ahead😕.... what was that ? She wasn't even fighting ,it was like she was so oblivious to the fight that was happening around her .And the thing that intrigued me the most was that no one was even coming to her ... u know to stop her or to fight with her . Like if cloudaniya is attacked then all the cloudaninans must be attacked . And it was not like womans were left , no they were also fighting ... Then what was she doing ? 

Before I could think anything more , they threw me on a cloud and on that another old man was standing , wearing plain white clothes but his's clothes were more expensive looking ,as if waiting for me he motioned to go away to the men .  Then  cloud started moving away from cloudaniya and the fight . I was about to jump off the cloud when the man grabbed me and said something like estatua and I froze right there . 

Then came a voice that made a cold chill ran down my spine ..... and this voice was somewhat familiar also  😶

" well , hello Nate or should I say The descendant ? ........


I am seriously sorry to my readers for updating soo late .... but I was kinda busy lately . Still am . 

I will update you all soon on NATE ADAMS mystery ..... keep voting and sharing my story ❤❤❣❣

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