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"Well this is just fantastic." Stiles rambled. I continued to get changed, practice hadn't really started yet, everyone was still slacking off in the change rooms whilst waiting for the soccer team to finish up.

Coach magically appeared from behind us, "McCall, Stilinski." Next to him was that new kid, Matthias, or Matt. He smelt like Maliah, werewolf, but not, this much I knew. What I didn't know was where his brother was.
"You two numb skulls can show the newbie around." Coach patted his shoulder, before looking around with increasing confusion. "Where Dunbar?"

"Ahh," Stiles started, but the Coach was already over it. "Just, make sure he makes it."

Matt's eyes followed as Coach left. "Is su'em wrong?"

"Probably not." I lied. Around here anything could, and would happen. Stiles chuckled sarcastically.

"I'm Scott." I nodded, looking over to Stiles, who was now leaning, and tapping on the on the nearby locker. "Stiles." He scanned the auzzie, before quickly cutting to the chase.

"So, yeah, now that we've done that, what are you, exactly." He pushed himself from the locker, scratching the the side of his head and gesturing with all the enthusiasm of an italian fangirl. Not that any of this was out of the ordinary.

Matt chuckled with amused caution. "You mob don't play around." He almost sounded impressed, though also cutting to the chase when noticing Stiles wasn't in the mood to play around.
"I, am a Mamu." He explained, face showing that he was expecting our, 'The hell is that?' reactions.

"And that is..?" Stiles curled his wrist in a prompting motion.

"Pretty much a werewolf, dingo, shadow monster, thing." Matt seemed unsure as he stumbled across his explanation.

I didn't know whether to find it weird that he had no problem telling me this, but it left opportunity to dig further.
"And your brother?"

"He's.." He stopped himself, eyes wondering the room for half a second, before his shippish grin returned. "Ah uhm. That's for 'im ta tell." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

I looked over at Stiles. On the walk over here, I had explained that they smelt like werewolves, hence his instant 'what are you.' From Stiles. So now I was hoping my telepathic message was reaching him. We should question the brother. We didn't have to, but we should.

Coach boomed from the centre of the change rooms, calling everyone to get their ass' front and centre.

"Where is he?" I cursed under my breath. Yes, Liam could be missing for totally normal and reasonable reasons, I just somehow knew that he wasn't.

"Where's 'oo?" Matt asked as he tugged at his jersey, before looking up at us and retracting slightly. "If you don't mind me asking."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "No one." He began walking to where coach was, shouldering his gear. "Don't worry, come on."

"It's my beta." I decided to pay back his cander.

Matt blinked at me, his curly brown locks falling over his eyes. I knew by the expression that I had confirmed a suspicion, and he didn't like it.

"Oh." He said nervously. "Um, shivers."

Stiles walked backwards until he was once again next to him, looking perplexed at his words for a multitude of reasons. For one, the hell did 'shivers' mean?! Was he trying to tell himself to chill? Was he cold? Was he cussing? Was 'Shivers' some sort of euphemism?

"Is there something you wanted to tell us?" I stepped closer. I couldn't help it, and didn't like it, but beta's tend to be compliant to alpha's when they're alone. I didn't know if this counted with Mamu, but he seemed to act the same, which was a plus.

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