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At this point growling was an involuntary action. I had one brother sulking like a child, chewing on his clothing as if to solidify the fact. Felix was using him as a pillow, the brotherly action coming off as more eros a scene than either of their clean minds could come up with. My dear sister had her everything airing out, if I didn't know her any better I would say that she was a whore, or tease at the very least. Not that I have a problem with either if those, being both myself. But, I did know her better, and now knew perfectly well that velkicis simply don't like clothing, nor did Riley have enough shame to care who saw what. Tsk! If it wasn't for me she'd be the bloody town bike, insteadof an overly 'pure' virgin.

Oh, and Tino was in the kitchen, also sulking...

"By God." I growled, most of the room flinching to attention. "Get a grip, you're all acting like bloody children!"

I stood up, walking over and shoving his head. Used to it, the omega didn't respond, though the rest of the present pack glared holes through my shirt. "Get over it." I growled, turning to the others. "We have places to be, he won't-."

"That's the point." Mathias exasperated, bouncing up to size me. Despite the "I don't like this shit looming over me 'ead."

I stepped closer, indiquishing the inches between us. I let a smirk thin my lips, eye settling into a deep crimson. Though to be clear, I'm, annoyingly, not yet an alpha, only a completely novice would mistake me as such.
"Chill out, baby brov'"

"Same age-"

I put a finger over his lip, earning myself a swift clock to the face. Honestly, I deserved it, I'm a total dick. But a had a point.
"Um, ow." Shaking my head, I continued. "Anyway, he'll think over it, see the situation, and understand that we weren't to blame."

Their faces were wholly unconvinced, my accent and smile apparently not working.

"Has that ever worked?" Riley huffed.

Felix smirked "Only for Matty."

Mathias's growl did nothing to hide his blush. "D- don't call we that." Matt, was ok, but the brunnette found 'matty' childish, and deaminging, for it was the dubbing Xander gave him whenever he was in deep shit.

Riley hummed, Noting how quickly this all had escalated, as most things did in this family.

Tino must have felt the same, giving an aggravated sigh as he stalking into the lounge.

"Stop it." He warned. I grit my teeth, grinding them them together in annoyance. He wasn't the boss of me. I tsked, turning back to Mathis. Though not my favourite sibling, I don't know if I really have one, an adequate partner nonetheless.

"So." I made the fact that I was ignoring Toni as obvious as possible. "Lets go get you." I grabbed his upper arm, seeing at the lower half was damp with saliva.
"Outta your head."

Begrudgingly, he agreed. I could tell that my brother needed, somthing. It was just a matter of getting him to stop sulking.

"And how are you planning on doing that?" God damn it Tino, get off my dick!

I didn't answer, heading to the door. I didn't bother with forcing the intended brother to follow, simply trusting him to. I sensed him fight the usual inner conflicts, groaning and joining me outside.

"So." I simpered, unintentionally slamming the door behind me. "What now?"

The auzzie's face twitched in annoyance, a trait he obviously picked up from Tino, grabbing my arm and dragging me toward the woods.
A chuff escaped my throat. "If you were anyone else, I'd think-"

"Stop thinking." He groaned. "Never leads anywhere good."

"Tch, touchy." I teased. He loved me, they all did, despite me being a dick. After all, they had no choice, family, you know.

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