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"I can't believe you kids." I growled. I had five of my siblings stuffed into my car as we drove back home. The drive had been silent up till now, but I was finally calm enough to growl in human terms.
"You three were late to class." I begun, Matt already sinking into his seat, whilst Thomas scoffed in his rebellious teenage fashion at the broad comment. I started to go off at each individual.

"You." I turned to Riley who we had picked up in the middle of nowhere. "Skipped school entirely, deciding that flaunting naked in the woods was the better option." Thank god my jumper was big enough to cover her.
"You." I din't even bother to look at the squished polak. "Used your abilities in the middle of a public area, because you were too proud to get food this morning, but weren't prepared to commit to starving."

"Zha fuck kinda health-"

"Language." I growled, my voice lowering more than I'd meant to. But, it got my bratty brother to shut up, so.

"And you." I continued, glaring at my alpha through the reviewer mirror. "Have honestly been going way out of check since this morning."

Maria raised an eyebrow at me. Alpha or not, I wasn't having that. "Eyes back in your head." I scolded, turning into the dirt road.

Maria twitched her nose, heeding my advice and calming her uppity look. "Arl you kidding?"

I felt my eye twitch. Her voice may be sweet, but when it comes to being a condescending prick, I swear Thomas gives her lessons.

"I just took care op a situation, bepor it became perdor problem."

"What do you mean, 'further?'"

"We make nice wider most powerpul and promonant pack, less chance op puter problemas."

"Or it creates a problema." I pointed out, Thomas almost cheering in agreements.

Maria shrugged. "Too late to worry about dat now." She waved it off, showing that both her older brothers were a bad influence on her.

I eased The breaks, one by one, the pups unloaded, being met at the door by a overly happy six year old and our parent.

Whether Xander was really my adoptive father was debatable. Legally, yeah. But he was twenty and I was sixteen at the time. So the man had always been more of an older brother in my eyes, god knows I'd kiss a troll before I'd call him 'Dad' or anything close to such.
Either, he was standing there, and he looked, unhappy. This was probably due to the fact that I had called him on my break and reported all of the day's happenings.

Now, I say unhappy because Xander rarely had any type of expression that I could describe as 'mad' for more than a quick second, and he never looked pissed when addressing his 'children'. He was too much of a doting idiot for that.

"Ria, Ria, come play!" Kelly begged as he swung in his sister's arm. The girl looks up at their parent, hopeful, always one to avoid confrontation for as long as possible.
Xander sighed and nodded.
"We'll have a chat later." The ominous promise made even my spine shiver. 'Chat' wasn't a word you wanted to here, for it was less of a chat, and more of a twelve hour lecture plus. The two nodded and ran off into the backyard.

"Now, as for you lot." He turned to the others, stern disappointment evident in his address. "Lounge room, now."
The four quickly marched past him. Matt being quick, Thomas indignant, and Felix debating whether or not to roll his eyes, unfortunately he went with yes.

"Where are your clothes?" Xander grabbed his daughter's wrist before she could scamper past, sounding more exasperated than in anyway mad.

Riley shrugged, the sleeves of my oversized hoodie flapping from his grip.

Xander screwed his face in a whine. "Please, go get yourself decent."

I was the last in, expecting to be let straight through, so I could go about my business. Apparently no.
I felt pressure on my upper arm as Xander closed the front door behind him, stepping forward onto the front porch.
"Explain, please."

"I have." I protested, how else would he have known about all This?

"No, you dobbed on your siblings." The taller man corrected. "What I'm asking is what happened with you."

"Excuse me?!" I demanded. I'd been a perfectly normal human all day.

"Tino Warwick, you are the oldest." That was too close to a full name for comfort.
"And I expect you to keep an eye on them. You know none of them behave."

"Exactly!" I growled. "And I have an actual job as well. I can't spend all hours of the day keeping them in check, and I shouldn't have to. They're pups,
But they aren't children."

Xander readjusted his jaw. "Even still." He sighed. "You have power, as a teacher-"

"Have you been to a public high school?"

"Tino." Stop fighting. Yeah I knew the drill, it wasn't worth the argument. Maybe this is why I'm his child instead of of brother.

"Fine." I grumbled, queuing Xander to sigh at my incredulous. Honestly, he was acting as if, one; I actually had any part of this.
And two; it was somehow my fault, and that I was just simply refusing to take responsibility.

"But before you say anything." I elevate my voice just in time to stop his next scolding stream. "You should at least know that we all have to be over to meet with the alpha pack. So don't go too hard on anyone."

Xander tapped his thigh like piano keys as he thought, momentarily distracted by the new information. "Alpha pack as in pack of alphas, or?"

"Beacon counties strongest." I corrected.

Xander nodded, before concluding. "And why didn't you tell me earlier?"

That was it. "I can't do anything right, can I?" I exasperated, fangs forming into a defensive growl.
Zander's only response to this was a raised eyebrow, not taking my outburst seriously.

"Tino." He warned, hinting I was testing his patients, for I was really the only one, aside from Thomas, who could actually do that. Behind him, I could see my 'siblings' all looking at each other with their heads' tilted sideways, not that it took werewolf hearing to eavesdrop on this particular conversation.

I willed my emotions to rein in, not wanting to make anymore of a scene.
"I didn't tell you because Maria was, is, going to." I explained. "But seeing as your not speaking to her first.." I let the sentence hang.
As much as we all sometimes seemed to ignored the fact, Maria was the alpha, she just had trouble acting past instinct.

Either way, he should have talked to her first, she actually knew more about the days happenings than I did.

Xander sighed. Again. "Ok." He decided. " I'll speak to her in a second."

"So we're done here?"

"No." Well at least he didn't say my name all ominously. He held my gaze for a moment, though my psyche insisted it was hours. I wasn't going to win this, seeing as I didn't know what I was fighting for, and turned my head to look away.

The alpha male caught my chin, forcing my to look into his now gas-fire eyes. His ice blue irises never failed to send a cold shiver down my spine, coxing my canine side into submission.

"But for now, yes." He pulled my into a hug, most likely purely to annoy me, I hate hugs. "But." He whispered. "Well finish this tonight."

Xander released me, ruffling my hair and starting around the house to the backyard.

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