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_Ok, so massive time skip for this, and following, chapters__________________________________________

School had ended, and Scott's pack, along with Deputy Perish, for the kids had dragged him along, were similarly gathered around the silver table in my clinic.
Having listened to the initial explanations and short descriptions on the five new supernaturals, for werewolves was not quite a broad enough term.

"The blue mist indicates Riley being a Vilkacis." I deduced. "They obtain the ability to shift fully into a wolf through means of a now near impossible ritual." I explained, not want to dive fully into. Some ritual are best left in the past.
"As for the other three, I'm not overly certain. Do you know anything about pack ranks?"

Scott placed both hands on the table. "Well." He began. "The girl, Maria, she was the alpha."

"Alpha female." Stile corrected, the others not seeing how such was relevant, Hayden adding a "Yeah, so?"

"No, that's very important." I informed them. "That means that there's an alpha male."

"Wolves have an alpha pair." Perish pointed out, before noting his company, thus adding, "In nature, nature wolves."

The group turned back to me as I nodded, not commenting on the term 'nature wolves'.
"Yes, but in werewolves." I explained, "I mean, it can mean a couple, but I highly doubt it does in this case."

"Why?" Scott tried to discreetly check the clock behind me, it was only five, but he was getting anxious.

"Because, she's, what, fifteen?"

"Sixteen." Liam quickly corrected. "Sixteen." I almost laughed fondly at the small show of 'I'm a grown up too.'

"Right, sixteen." I thanked. "But with a pack consisting of supernaturals both older than her, and presenting as sibling-."

"Who ever the adopty is, would be the alpha male." Lidia finished. "Making the whole 'Alpha couple' thing weird."

"That is correct." I praised.

Stiles chimed in impatiently. "So, is there another option, or should we be calling the FBI?"

"There may be another scenario. Sometimes, and this is quite rare." I begun to propose, the kids' ears pricked at the new information. "If a werewolf gains the mantle of alpha, and is, for some reason unable to carry it, usually due to age, another pick member can kind of, consort." I explained. "Holding equal authority until the other is fully able to handle such."

"And what, they just give up up their position?" Malia scoffed.

I shook my head. "No." I sighed. "At least not usually. Usually, it ends in a fight for power, or them becoming an alpha couple."

"So, quiet the power ship." Liam summaries, quickly shutting up as the other looked at him.

I decided to shift the spotlight. "Where are you meeting up?"

Scott and Stiles exchanged looks. "I-in the forest."

"Yeah, deep in the forest." Scott gave a confirming nod.

Lidia looked unimpressed. "You didn't actually organise anything, did you?"

"They didn't need to." I interjected. "One pack will find the other, it's just a matter of who gets there first."

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