Meet again..?

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"How they fit, bug?" Stacy asks her baby sister stasiah while they're in the shoe store trying on some things.

"They fit good" Stasiah says, looking up at Stacy.

"Walk around in them then." Stacy says, not completely convinced that stasiah can fit the shoes.

Stasiah gets up, with both the shoes on her feet and starts to slowly walk in them.

"Jump up and down" Stacy says

Stasiah, does as she's told. She starts jumping up and down on her tip toes - somewhat awkwardly.

"Excuse me," stacy stops one of the woman working at the shoe store. "Can i get a size bigger in these shoes right here" stacy motions her fingers pointing at the shoes on stasiah's feet.

"Sure can, no problem." The woman makes her way over to stasiah to get the shoes from her. She then gets the shoes and goes to the back to get a bigger size.

Stacy looks down at stasiah. "Stasiah, you dont have to lie to me about if you cant fit the shoes. You dont have to lie to me about anything, okay?"

Stasiah nods her head and they share a quick laugh.

Once they get the right size and buy two more pairs of shoes, they head out of the footlocker and walk around the mall. Stacy and stasiah decide to go into this clothing store to look around in.

Let me know when you see something you like, bug. Stacy tells stasiah, who just nods in response.

Stacy stays close to stasiah and watches her every move. Every piece of clothing stasiah looked interested or fascinated with, stacy picked up.

"Sooooo, see anything you like, yet?" Stacy asked, sarcastically curious, with a slight smirk of humor on her face.

"Nope" stasiah says plainly, with a normal look on her face.

Stasiah finally gets a shirt that she just completely adores and asks stacy to buy it. Stacy takes the shirt with no hesitation and gets in line to purchase everything.

"I owe you one, lightning." Stasiah says to stacy, looking up at her.

"You dont owe me anything, bug....promise." Stacy says with a smile, but a dead serious look in her eyes.

Stasiah just smiles and then looks away. She always feels bad when Stacy blows money on her like that.

Once everything is purchased, stacy and stasiah make there way to the food court.

"What do you wanna eat?" Stacy asks.

"Mmmmm, pizza!" Stasiah says with a bit too much excitement.

"Okay, here.." Stacy hands stasiah the money for the pizza. "Keep the change" she says right after.

"But....but..." Stasiah cant gather words, she just looks at the knot of money stacy just handed her.

"Go get your food, bug. Its getting late." Stacy instructs.

They both get their food and head out the mall. Stacy has a weird feeling in her stomach as something inside is telling her to stay.

"Hold on, bug" stacy tells to stasiah.

"Whats wrong?" Stasiah is concerned, and looks around her surroundings.

Stacy starts to hear a light cry from and empty table in the food court. She walks over to the empty space and see's Rylee, sitting there, high up on something with her eyes barely open.

"Rylee...." Stacy is a little sadden and disappointed. "Why are you here..?"

Rylee tries to open her eyes a little more but she is unable to. Her words are spaced and incomprehensible. She just sits there, lightly crying.

Stacy gives the shopping bags to stasiah and goes to pick Rylee up.

"Lets go.." Stacy says, leaving out of the mall with Rylee hanging off and shoulder and stasiah right beside her.

Stacy gets to her place and digs in her pocker for the key.

"Shit...where is it..." Stacy searches all her pockets and even gets stasiah to double check. "Hey, get the key from under the matt" Stacy says to stasiah"

Stasiah gets the key from under the matt and unlocks the door. "Want me to put it back?" She asks.

"No, i have to go change my locks" Stacy says.

They walk in the apartment and stasiah takes her things and heads off to her room. Stacy takes Rylee into the bathroom, sits her in the tub, and runs the shower. Rylee starts to wake up a little. Stacy turns the water on cold. Rylee is completely awake now, and pretty startled.

".....what the hell..?" Rylee barely gets out.

"youre high...or drunk...or just...fucking crazy.." Stacy holds in the small laugh and just smirks.

"what happened?" Rylee asks.

"not tell me..." Stacy responds.

"me and my....ex.." Rylee sighs, and then continues "we got in a fight....and i went to my cousin's house for a dime...and then...idk...i was at the mall passed out." she was confused, and scared, and started to worry.

"who's your cousin...?" Stacy asked.

Rylee ignored Stacy and starts asking questions of her own. "why is it that you're always to my rescue? how is it, that you always show up at the worst moment? i don't even know your name - yet - you know so much about me. how is that? who are you?!" Rylee says all in one breath with annoyance in frustration in her voice. eyes poked out of the socket, she stares straight at Stacy waiting for all her questions to be answered.

Stacy looks Rylee right in the eye and takes a deep breath. "my name's"

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