Ch. 4: Koa

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As Yuki asked that Y/N's heart stopped for a second and he leaned down and gave her a hug.

Yuki: "Are you ok?"

Y/N: "*Yuki* Yeah I'm fine Yuki, it's just, I'm so happy right now."

Yuki: "If your happy papa, then I'm happy."

Yuki gave Y/N such a heartwarming smile that can even calm the most angriest of hearts.

Y/N: "I must protect that sweet smile. But now she has a new life, with me as her father figure."

Y/N broke there hug and they walked to Koa Y/N kept thinking on something for a home for the both of them. Both Y/N and Yuki came up to the gate of Koa they seen different sized carriages along with people riding in on horseback.

Y/N: "Well it looks like this town is bustling with life, seems busy though. But first I need to find an Inn so Yuki can rest, she's my first priority."

As both of them are still walking down the main Street seeing a bustling market place with many stalls selling different goods. Yuki is still holding Y/N's finger on his gauntlet and when he passes by people they all just stare as he walks past them, they stare mainly at his extremely intimidating height. A some stare at them because it's odd seeing a little Demi-human girl with a gigantic companion. Y/N seen a woman coming up to them, she's wearing an orange/light green kimono with a square pattern on it. Strange dress and color choice.

Y/N: "*Yuki* Hey can you ask that woman if there is a nearby inn we can go too?"

Yuki: "Yeah, I can do that. Hey miss?!"

The woman stops and looks at them, but with a small tinge of fear seeing Y/N.

Woman: "Oh.... Um hi what did you need?"

Yuki: "Is there an Inn nearby where we can stay for the night?"

Woman: "Yeah, there's a place called 'The Stables'. It's right around the corner over there and it's really nice there for you and your.... Big friend."

Yuki: "He's not my friend he's my papa and he's the Best! And I'm Yuki his daughter."

Yuki smiled as she said it and under Y/N's helmet he was smiling and with a smidge of pain in his chest.

Y/N: "*long groan* Why is this a good pain!"

Woman: "Aww that's adorable! And sorry if I have to ask but why isn't he talking?"

Yuki: "Oh he can't speak, so he uses telepathy magic. He didn't wanna use it on you because it would scare you."

Woman: "I see. *looks at Y/N* You can speak to me if you want."

Y/N cracks his neck.

Y/N: "*Woman* Hi, sorry if I spoke to you through you mind, you'd probably run if I did."

Woman: "No it's fine. Hmhm now if you if you need to know about this town more you can ask my husband, he's the Lord of this town."

Y/N: "*Woman* Now that's convenient. Just to ask, what's your name? Just in case if we ever come across you again."

Rin: "It's Rin. And if you need anything you can find my husband at the top of that hill, that's where works."

Y/N looks toward the only large hill in town. But a funny memory came to mind of a game he played before.

Y/N: "Wow, Hmhm kinda reminds me of DragonsReach from Skyrim."

Rin: "The building is stunning isn't it. Wait, I looks like it's getting late I'm going to head back home to my husband."

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