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Let's get one thing straight - this is a journal for me, not for you. I am posting it on here so that it doesn't get lost in the black hole that is my Documents folder, but trust me when I say I don't care whether you read this or not. So if you're going to hate, turn around now.


I mean it.



...still there? Alright good. This is a journal for snippets and experiments. Some of it will work, and some of it won't. If I ask for opinions on something (e.g. does this metaphor convey the image I was trying to get across, or does it only make sense in my own head?), please feel free to comment. Go nuts. For basically everything else, I'm not seeking feedback. I'm looking to record my words in a judgement-free space where I can get opinions if I need them, but I don't necessarily have to please anyone.

IF you like lyrical writing with lots of unexpected imagery, stick around.

IF you like random but sort of-maybe-okay poetry, stick around.

IF you want to see pieces of my unfinished works before I post them, stick around.

IF you want a little insight as to my process (which is nothing special but I know it sometimes inspires me to see how other writers work), stick around.

However, IF you are here to judge my writing without cause, leave.

***IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though most if this will not be immediately used in a specific work, THESE ARE STILL MY WORDS. That means NO STEALSIES. If I see my words anywhere else without my express permission, I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL. :) (but probably with whipped cream or something because souls are a little dry all on their own)

WORDS: a journalWhere stories live. Discover now