eight ( 8 )

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"so actually i wanted to tell you ..." haruto hesitated , "that i lost my mum here , right here , near this river."

he started sobbing.

"oh uhh , it's okay it's okay." i comforted him as i patted his back.

he started leaning forward to me and laid down on my shoulder.


"want to hear a story ??" haruto said , "but you gotta keep this a secret."

"mm sure." i replied.

"she stood there ..." haruto said as he pointed at a spot and started crying , "and she slowly walked into the water , i remembered , she left me in my pram , and killed herself by drowning."

"oh my , it's okay everyone goes through painful experiences. i go through mine too." i tried calming him down.

"let's go home then , you seem pretty tired." i told haruto as he slowly nodded.

geez i can't deal with people that cries

we walked home and haruto gave me a small hug , thanking me for comforting his just now.

"oh no worries i actually had no idea how to comfort you." i blushed a little.

he kissed me on my forehead and waved goodbye as my gate started closing.

i turned around and nearly jumped to my death.


"oh my that's haruto , how handsome. i even saw him give you a kiss." my mum eyebrows rose and fell.

"mum , stop !!!" i covered my ears as i ran up to my room.

honestly i have no idea why i covered my ears for because i still can hear my mum's laughter.

oh my god.

the next day at school , i was a little too embarrassed to meet haruto of what happened yesterday.

but , i'll just leave that aside.

haruto walked through the hallway causing all the girls to start whispering.

oh my gosh , he applied gel today !!

he started walking towards me , oh no not again ...

"morning." haruto said with a cute morning smile , with his face not even 10cm from mine.


everyone gasped and started whispering to each other.

something caught my eyes , oh great , it's na young.

the moment she saw haruto's face so close to mine , she immediately ran in her annoying high heels and pushed him away from me.

"haruto , did she harm you ?!" na young asked out of concern.

"and you , what were you trying to do ?! seduce him ? kiss him ?" na young scolded me and gave me a tight slap on my face , causing me to use my hands to cover my cheeks.


"it's none of your business , get away from me , i don't need your concern at all." haruto said sternly as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"she tried to seduce you you idiot !" i could hear na young shout through the hallway as her voice gets softer and softer as i walked further and further from her.

haruto brought me to the back of the school.

"hey you alright ??" haruto questioned me , concerned.

"yeah i'm fine." i said but my cheeks still hurts.

"let me take a look." haruto said as he pushed my hands off my cheeks and pressed his soft fingers on them , "how is this fine ?? your cheeks are burning red."

am i blushing ??

"great i brought my mask , you can wear it for a day and pass it back to me after school." haruto told me as he handed out his black korean mask.

"no no it's fine i really don't need that." i shook my hands.

"gosh why are you so stubborn. just take it alright ? listen to me for once. also , don't mind na young , she have a crush on me that's why. but don't worries i won't fall for her." haruto smiled.

"i didn't even ask who would you fall for. that was sudden." i said as i took the black mask from his hands.

guess he was trying to let me guess who he likes but who is it ??

i walked back to class with the black mask over my face.


after school , i walked to the main gate and saw haruto waiting for me , i bet he was more like waiting for his mask.

"hey i asked my manager , ye jin about work today and she said today's meeting has been cancelled because the main actress fell sick." haruto told me , "you wanna spend a day with me ??"

"uhh sure !" i replied.

"i'll bring you somewhere." haruto wanted to give me a surprise.

"oh well where are we going ??" i asked curiously.

"you'll see." haruto smiled as he grabbed my hands.

"um let me tell you i get sweaty palm when ... when the weather is warm." i blurted out.

"no worries me too , but the weather isn't that warm today huh ?" haruto laughed.

i almost said i will get sweaty palm when i'm nervous oh my goodness what's wrong with me.

"we arrived !!" haruto woke me up from my sleep on the train.

gosh i was sleeping on his shoulders , that would've been embarrassing ...

i jumped out of the train and to my surprise , it's a theme park !!

author's note :
hey guys today's story was pretty long but i couldn't think of a good ending so please forgive me. do vote for my story thank you and i received 100 reads in less than 10 chapters wow i'm really grateful. thank you to those who have been reading my story , i'll do my best !! chapter 9 will be typed later on in the day but most likely it will be up tomorrow so stay tuned ... bye !! ❤️

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