twenty seven ( 27 )

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haruto gave me 2 kisses on my lips but we're not dating.

he didn't confess.

i'll wait.

"yah Y/N !!" i got interrupted by someone , obviously hye jin.

"hmm what do you want ??" i asked hye jin.

"you doing alright now ?? you skipped school yesterday , i was so worried you know ?? ms kim wanted me to tell you that there will be a test on chemistry next wednesday." hye jin told me.

"huh ?! a test ?!" i shouted.

"shhh ... yes there will be a test. oh wait , not a test. ms kim changed it to a project work. a project work that consists of 2 people. ms kim will choose for us." hye jin changed her reply.

"a project work can be 2 people ?? wow history is invented." i clapped my hands and walked to our classroom.

i walked in and i heard ms kim said , "i will be choosing your partners now for the project work."

she turned to me and said , "Y/N you're back !!"

i nodded my head and turned to eun woo and na young's seats.

they were not there.

"eun woo is in the hospital because he got chest injury. as for na young , she sprained her ankle." ms kim explained.

but she didn't need to explain because they were not the victims.

i was.

i was being kidnaped by them !!

"i suggest you partner up with haruto." ms kim told me.

"ah sure." i smiled and walked to my seat.

every single girl in the class was staring at me.

what ? i did something wrong ? they're probably jealous because i get to partner up with handsome haruto.

"now please swap your seats to beside your project partners." ms kim instructed us.

i stood up but someone pushed me down , i looked up.


"stay here. your ankle is still injured. i'll sit beside you." haruto told me.

he's so caring.

we started to work on our project work.

we did have a lot of fun.

we laughed.

we joked.

we became , closer.

i kept hitting him but he didn't have any reaction.

i guess i wasn't strong enough.

we walked home together.

"have you wondered why— "

i was cut off by haruto.

"why we met ?" haruto continued.

i giggled.

"our parents i guess. we were childhood friends okay ??" i laughed.

"yes. we were fated i guess." haruto joked.

"will you leave me one day ??" i asked out of the blue.

"no." haruto replied immediately , "never."

honestly i'm afraid that ...

you might

leave me.

"come let's go home." haruto signalled me to go to him.

"i'm on duty today to clean the classroom and put all the chairs up." i reminded haruto.

"oh yes. i almost forgotten." haruto thought of it.

"i'll put up the chairs first. since they're heavy and tiring to do." i told haruto.

i lifted my first chair up when haruto suddenly snatched it from me.

"i'll do the chairs. you'll clean the classroom." haruto smiled.

"thank you." i blushed.

i started to clean the whiteboard and sweep the floors.

after a tiring 15 minutes , i'm finally done.

i dusted my hands and told haruto , "done !!"

i looked around and saw haruto sitting on a chair , staring directly at me.

"yah stop staring." i glared at him.

"okay i guess. your beauty is just very pretty." haruto laughed.

"let's go home." haruto pushed me out of the classroom door and helped me to lock it.

"can i go to your house ??" i asked.

haruto nodded.

author's note :
hey guys , i didn't update regularly lately because of school work. but today was pretty fun , i hanged out with mycheesethicc and dOoDsTapH. we had so much fun so thanks y'all ❤️💋 i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. please vote and add this book to your library if you haven't !! i'll see y'all in chapter 28 them ( ps we're almost at chapter 30 geez i'm so excited how on earth did we get so far ?! ) ❤️

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