Chapter One

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Amazing cover done by xXZetaKalXx <==== check her out

"Wake up." Mom's voice sounds in my ear. I groan and turn away from her, shoving my face into my pillow. "Wake up!" She screams, scaring me. I shoot up out of bed and look at her, trying to steady my breath.

"What?!" I ask, looking at the evil woman. She smiles and kisses my forehead. Standing up, she walks towards my door.

"Time for school." She chimes, walking out of the room. I sigh in annoyance and get up out of my bed. Walking to the bathroom I pee and brush my teeth, my brain still half-asleep. After I'm done, I pull on some jeans and a T-shirt.

"Sup, Ash?" Luca asks me, eating some cereal. I roll my eyes as my mom gives him some orange juice.

"Why does he always come here to eat our food?" Danny asks mom, walking into the kitchen for his coffee. He kisses mom's cheek and rolls his eyes at Luca.

"Nice to see you too, Mr. H." Luca tells Danny, earning a glare from him. "We have practice today, dude."

"Yeah, I know bro." I tell him, getting a water bottle from the fridge. Luca finishes his cereal and puts the bowl in the dishwasher, kissing my mom on the cheek.

"Thanks for the breakfast, Mrs. H." He thanks her, grabbing his bag.

"No problem sweetie. And you know you're always welcome." She tells him. He smiles and we walk out the door.

"Ashton!" I hear a girlish scream. I hang my head and feel the headache coming. "I told you to wait for me!"

"Stella, hurry up." I tell my little sister, watching her struggle with her softball gear. She was so small that her gear slowed her down. I take it from her and throw it in the car and get in the drivers seat.

"So, what's up with you guys?" Stella asks us, closing the back door as I start the car.

"Got practice. What's up with you Stel?" Luca asks her, giving her a million dollar smile. It's no secret that she has a crush on him.

"Same. W-we have a, uh game today." She says, fiddling her thumbs. As we pull up to the school parking lot, Stella begins to whine. "I don't wanna go."

"Then you should have stayed home. Get out, pip-squeak." I tell her, getting out of the car. She gets her stuff and huffs at me, walking to the softball field.

"I don't understand why you're so mean to her. She's actually really adorable." Luca tells me as we walk into the school.

"She just gets on my nerves." I tell him as Lana comes to us.

"Hi, Luc, Ash." She greets me, practically purring.

"Yeah." I dismiss her, walking away. I go to my homeroom, leaving Luca and Lana to make-out. Sitting at my desk, I wait for this day to be over.


"Come on, ladies! You're running like you have heels on!" Coach yells at us, throwing his clipboard in the ground. We do our 63rd lap around the field, my stomach about to die. Half of the team had already dropped on the field, either throwing up or collapsing.

"I'm gonna die." Mark, my cousin, tells me as I pass him. I nod, watching him drop to the ground. He was breathing harder than a hummingbird's wings. I shook my head as I passed a bunch of other guys trying to catch their breath. I start to slow down, finally falling to the ground. My heart was about to give up on me.

"Once again girls, Luca is the only one remaining." Coach tells all of us, patting Luca on the back. With that one pat, Luca crashes down non his knees and starts to throw up. Guess he wasn't that invincible after all.

"Hit the showers! I don't want to see any of you until you can run around this field without looking like princesses." Coach yells dismissing us. All 40 of us slug ourselves to the locker room, either jumping in the showers or just getting our stuff to get home.

"I'm gonna have a heart attack if we ever do that again." I tell Mark and Kyle as I get all my stuff together.

"Yeah, well if pretty boy over there would just stop trying so hard." Kyle whines, scrunching up his face. "Coach pushed us even harder when we're training for lacrosse than for football."

"Yeah, but I blame Luc for all the hard 'training' we do." Mark reminds us. I shake my head, chuckling at the thought.

"Sometimes I just want to kick his ass." Trey tells us, holding his lacrosse stick like a weapon. "Such a suck-up. His head is so far up the coach's ass." Ty laughs, leaning on the lockers.

"Ok, ok Susie, Anna, Tracy and Maddie. I think I've heard enough of how much you guys hate me." Luc announces, calling us girls, walking to his locker in a towel. He shakes the water out of his hair and opens his locker, pulling his clothes out.

"Well then, stop playing golden boy for your daddy." Trey tells him as Luc pulls his shorts on. Luc flips him off as he holds his shirt while putting deodorant on. As if the school didn't already smell enough like Axe.

"Why don't you stop tryna kick my ass when your juggling three girls on top of Betty?" Luc threatens Trey. Trey smacks the stick on the lockers and stomps out of the locker room. Mark and Kyle start laughing but stops when Luc gives him a look. "Y'all aren't any better with your side chicks."

"Ok, ok. Don't do anything stupid man." Mark tried to appease Luc. They start laughing at each other while we all leave the school.

"See yah guys." I say, getting into my car. Luc hops in the passenger seat and we drive back to my house.

"Alright, see yah bro." Luc says, walking down the driveway across the street to his house. I wave bye, opening the front door to my house.

"Hey mom." I greet her, seeing the kitchen a mess. "What happened?"

"I wanted to eat something." She replies, dipping chicken nuggets in peanut butter and fluff.

"So you chose to maul the fridge?" I ask, looking at all the food around the kitchen floor, counter tops and table.

"Don't you dare fight with me Ashton Grason Hart!" She yells, pointing her chicken nugget at me. I hold my hands up in defeat, not wanting to fight with her.

"Is Danny back yet?" I ask her, picking up a bag of grapes.

"No, he's picking up Stella from Maggie's house. And Colton is asleep in his room, finally." She tells me. I nod, popping a grape into my mouth.

"Mom I have a question." I say, getting her attention. She raises her eyebrows, telling me to ask. "How many kids are you gonna have? Cause this house is turning into a zoo."

"Funny. Let's remember that I brought you into this world, and I will take you out." She warns me, pointing upstairs. "Get cleaned up and ready for bed."

"Yes, sir!" I mock her, jogging up the stairs. I shut my door, careful not to slam it. Hopping into the shower, I start to think about things. Like the weird fact that I couldn't stop staring at Luca while he was in his towel.

'Probably just a stupid hormone thing' my brain tells me. I nod, knowing it must be just a stupid malfunction of my body. After I get out of the shower, I walk to my dresser and pull on some sweatpants. Picking up my phone, I look through my messages.

'Goodnight, bro' -Luca

I smile at the text, turning off the lamp. Closing my eyes, all I can think about is that text.


Hello babies. It's me again. Welcome to our sequel. I hope you got a feel trip from The Bad GIrl's Nerd cause this is a whole other book that will be filled with heartbreaks, tears and smiles. So hold your tissue box close and get a teddy to cuddle, cause we're gonna get feelzy.

~Lexi Nino (aka buggabee)

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