Chapter Two

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"Hey, what's up?" Danny asks me, walking into the living room. I shrug my shoulders, eating my cereal and watching tv.

"Mom told me to watch tv. Didn't want to argue." I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah. Ever since she got pregnant again, she's become the devil. I hope it's not gonna be a demon baby like your sister." Danny jokes, earning a chuckle from me. God only knows how evil Stella is.

"Knock, knock." I hear Luca say, walking into the house. I nod my head at him as he comes into the living room and sits on the couch. "Hi, Mr. H."

"Oh, look. I got to go to work." Danny says, totally avoiding Luc. He gets up and walks up the stairs, not even saying hello.

"He hates me so much." Luc tells me, holding his chest.

"Good job, captain obvious." I mock him, watching him fake feeling hurt. He laughs and puts his feet on the coffee table, gluing his eyes on the TV screen. "Ever since you hit on mom, I'm pretty sure Danny has planned your murder."

"I can't help it, dude." Luc says, raising his eyebrow. "Your mom is fucking hot."

"Don't ever say that again." I warn him, getting up to put my bowl in the kitchen. I bump into the devil reincarnated while making my way back to the living room.

"Get out of my way, loser." Stel barks at me. I stick up my middle finger as she tries and fails at pushing me. we struggle to move past the entryway of the kitchen until mom comes in.

"Stop fighting, you two. Act like you can stand each other. I did not sit through 26 hours of labor just to have you pick on your little sister, Ashton." Mom warns us. We immediately stop and walk away from each other.

"Come on, bro. We're gonna be late." Luc whines, opening the front door. I follow him to the car and we drive to Macky's diner to meet Lana and Katie.

"Hey, babe." Lana greets Luca, pulling him into the booth. I sit next to Katie, reading the menu.

"What are you gonna have?" Katie asks me, looking at her menu as Lana tries to suffocate Luca with her mouth. It's so disgusting.

"Burger and fries." I reply, looking at her. She smiles and continues to read the menu as if she had never been here. I loved Katie like the little sister I always wanted. I wish we could take her in exchange for Stella. Life would be about 10x's better. "What are you having?"

"Steak sandwich." She answered, putting down her menu and picking up her phone.

"Did Dayna text you?" I questioned, trying to look at her screen. She pushes my head away, her cheeks turning red.

"Yeah. She says she misses me." Katie mumbles, texting back. She was so adorable, especially when it came to Dayna. They had been going out for the past four months.

"So Ash, any girls on your radar?" Lana inquired. I roll my eyes and shake my head, knowing what was coming next. "My friend Marnie, from the cheer squad, likes you. How about I set both of you up on a date?"

"Baby, you know Ash doesn't like cheerleaders. He's more of a book smart girl kinda guy." Luc reminds her, saving me from the conversation.

"Are you calling me dumb?" She snarled, glaring at him.

"Well, you are failing your classes and all that." he admits, making her angrier. She hits his arm and pushes him out of the booth onto the floor, walking out of the diner.

"Fuck you, Luca." She yells, slamming the diner door. He chuckles and sits back on the cushioned seat, shaking his head.

"She can't take a joke." He snickered. Katie shook her head at him, looking disgusted.

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