Hallway Confessions

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So far the school day is pretty regular. As soon as the bell that ends second class rang everyone exits the room at different speeds. As I toss most of my belongings into the dark blue metal compartment I take a look down the hallway, only to see Tyler making his way up looking as flawless as ever. My eyes locks with his as he flashes his signature grin. The look in his bouncing eyes and the follow me motion he does with his head urges me to do so. As I walk a few feet behind him the halls quickly begin to empty, and once him and I are the only ones in the hall he stops walking and faces me.

"What are we--" I start but get cut off by Tyler's lips pressing onto mine. The kiss is intense, more than usual, and it alone sends tingles throughout my body. He pulls away and lifts me up as if I'm completely weightless, which I'm not, and carries my inside a dark room. It's most likely a janitor's closet.

"I've missed you." He purrs before latching his hot mouth onto my neck.

"Really?" I question and move my head so that he has more access. Usually when you miss someone you text or call them not carry them into a janitor's closet.

"Mmhmmm." He groans against my skin, causing it to vibrate gently. Just as I'm about to reply he slips his warm hands inside my jeans, gently caressing my bum. I move my hands down and grab onto his wrists, pulling his wondering hands out of my jeans.

"Not right now, Ty." I sigh as interlock fingers with him, but surprisingly he pries his hands away from mine.

"Are you serious right now? We're in a janitor's closet." I cross my arms. I like Tyler, I really do, but it's things like this that make me want to just stay away from him.

"So? Come on." He hooks his index fingers onto my belt loops and pulls me into him. I sigh angrily, putting more than enough distance between us by shoving him away from me.

"What's your problem?" He snaps.

"What's yours? You're acting like a completely different person." I say honestly. The Tyler that I've gotten to know is sweet, caring, and just all around amazing, but the Tyler standing before me is the complete opposite.

"Yeah? How?"

"You just are. I don't have to explain myself to you." I send him a face and twist the knob of the door before exiting the small area.

"Ren!" Tyler's voice calls after me, but I continue walking. I reach about halfway before he grabs my arm, forcing me to stop.

"What?" I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm sorry, I just really like you." He confesses while scratching his neck. As much as I want to be mad him for his previous behavior, I can't. A blushing smile breaks out onto my face.

"And I don't have very good self control when I'm around you. It's like I've got to have you, like your a drug to me. And it's been like that since I first saw you, Ren."

My face reddens at his words and I look down at my light gray Vans. I've had multiple relations and interactions with guys, but none of them ever said anything sweet like this. Well, it's sweet to me at least.

"Forgive me?" He asks, lifting my head up by cupping my cheeks.

"What am I going to do with you?" My smile widens as I lock my arms around his waist.

"Kiss me and tell me you forgive me?" He asks hopefully. I let out a small laugh and look him in the eye before gently placing my lips on his.

"I forgive you."



Even though I arrive fifteen minutes late I still enter the classroom, earning a groan from our teacher. Um, okay?

"Ren!" A familiar voice whisper shouts. I snap my head in the direction the voice came from and my eyes land on a smiling Mariah.

"Ms. Walker I would like to finish this lecture as soon as possible, so I you don't mind, please take a seat." Mr. Johnson speaks in a monotone instructs me. I roll my eyes and walk past the rows of people to reach Mariah.

As I take a seat Mariah whispers to me, "Why in the world are you so late?" I keep myself from blushing as I reply.

"I was with a friend."

"Who?" She interrogates me.

"Tyler." I smile.

"McDaniel?" She questions and I nod. After letting out a sigh she says, "Ren, you really should--"

"Girls!" Mr. Johnson raises his voice and the people surround our desks snap their heads towards us. "Hush." His voice returns back its normal state as he begins lecturing again. Mariah lets out another sigh and focuses on Mr. Johnson words while I wonder what's up with her.

As I ponder on irrelevant topics I come across a semi-important issue. How am I getting home? Usually, I don't worry about this, but since Tyler and I haven't talked much {apart from earlier} I'm not sure if he's still up for my being my ride. I quickly pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly typed Tyler a text.

"Ms. Walker, how many times are you planning on distracting yourself from my lesson?" Mr. Johnson calls me out once again. To be honest his nagging was growing highly annoying.

I sigh exaggeratedly before speaking, "As many times as I can until this boring ass class is over." I send him a sarcastic smile and he scowls. As he smacks his pen down and begins to write me up people stare in my direction.

"Can I assist any of you?" I snap looking directly at some short haired girl. All of them quickly snap their heads forwards and I look over at Mariah.

"You okay?" She asks, tapping the desk with her pencil.

"Yeah, why not?"

"You just got wrote up." She says if she'd expected me to be upset about it.

"It's no big deal." I laugh briefly, "You act like you've never been written up."

"I mean I have, but--"

"Ms. Tilinski, one more word out of you and you'll be spending an hour in detention also." Mr. Jerk Off warns causing Mariah to shut her mouth quickly.

As the bell rings signaling the end of this terrible class period I hurry out of the room and walk towards my locker I get stopped by three girls. Of course the leader of the little group was the typical busty, blonde cheerleader. We were around the same height and her long, bouncy hair flowed freely down her back. Her spider-like lashes shaded her green, anger-filled eyes. Her lean arms cross themselves over her chest as she speaks.

"Aren't you that reject Ren?"

Laughing at her reference towards me I nod.

"Well you," she pokes her perfectly manicured finger into my shoulder, "need to stay away from Tyler."

I scoff at her warning and slap her hand from my body and take a step closer towards her. "Or what?" I challenge her.

"Oh, trust me honey, you don't want to mess with me." She flips her hair.

"Neither am I. I'm not the one, Miss Cheerleading Captain."

"Ha! You must not know who you're talking too." One of her brown haired sidekicks speak up, causing the leader to speak up.

"I don't particularly care either." I smile and walk off. As I continue towards my locker I retrieve my phone and read the unread message.


- I can't take you home today, I've got someone to do.

- something** autocorrect lol.

I roll my eyes and place the device back into my pocket. Even though it was probably a typo I can't help but wonder if the reason he's not picking me up is because he'll be with someone else. Psht, I'm over thinking.

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