Black Beard

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Emma POV:

I woke up the next day, I was really mad with my parents, why they were keeping secrets from me? I change into a yellow dress that finished 4 fingers before my knee and put on my tiara. I went downstairs for breakfast, I didn't wanted to see my parents, so I went straight to the kitchen for my breakfast. I arrived to the kitchen I took my breakfast and I was heading back to my room but my mother stopped me

-Good morning Emma, how are you? -I didn't say anything I just pass by her watching to the floor but then I crash into someone

-Wow swettie are you alright?- My father asked me but I don't want to confront them, not now

-Where are you going? The table is by the other side- My father said but I didn't pay attention and I started to walk faster, then I fell that someone grabbed my arm

-Emma, swettie, I know that you are mad at us, but you are eating at the table-I let out a breath and walked over to the table and sat down at my place, I started to eat really fast, I wanted to get out of here

-So how did you slept?-My mom asked me, I continue eating my food

-Emma?- My dad asked but I was really mad at them, why they were acting as if everything was alright?

-Emma Charming! Stop behaving like that!

-Why? Why you lie to me? I'm your daughter, I'm almost 19, and you also ground me?

-Emma, we are sorry we shouldn't have lied to you but you got grounded because you were spying on us.

-Yes dad I understand but why don't you tell me what's going on?

-Emma, I don't think you should know

-Fine, then this conversation is over, and if you excuse me I'm going to the town

-Emma, that's not they way you talk to your matter, and you can't

-Why? Because I'm grounded? I don't think that's the real reason you aren't letting me go to the town, and dont you two dare to lie to me because remember I can tell when someone is lying to me- I said in an angry voice

-No Emma we don't have to give you explanations, we are doing what is best for you, now go to your room now!

-Ugh YOU TWO ARE UNBELIVABLE! I said running to my room and closing the door really hard so they could listen, why are they doing this? I don't care what they think I'm going to the town, and I'm going to find this mysterious man. I took my bow and arrow, took my brown cloak and scape trough my balcon.

Killian POV:

I searched this girl through the whole town, all day but whitout succeding I went to the bar to get drunk. I arrived and saw my whole crew there, but I sat down at a corner, I ordered a bottle of rum, I wanted to take this mysterious girl of my mind, for a while and I knew my cure. THE RUM. I started to drink and drink but then I saw someone I didn't think I see in a long time, Black Barbade, what the hell is he doing in this kingdom? What the hell we wants? I got near him to ask him what he wanted

-What the hell are you doing here Balck Beard?

-Ohh... Hook! What a lovely seeing you around, well I was just passing through this kingdom and I decided to visit it. This kingdom have something I want, something unique

-And what the hell would that be? The Jolly Roger?

-Ohh no no no, something more valuable, more beautiful. Anyway, why you want to know hook?

-Just curiosity- And with that I left. What the hell black Beard want? I wanted to find out, and I will. I went back to the Jolly Roger and into the quaters room, and fall asleep.

The next day I woke up and I remembered what happened yesterday with Black Beard, I got dressed and headed to his ship. I entered really quite and went below deck, I heard some voices discussing I got near the door to here what they were saying

-Captain, everything is going how you planned it! Now what do we do?

-Now we wait, we go to the place I indicate you and wait, when she goes out we will capture her and we will kidnap her. We will kidnap-And I couldn't believe the name I heard.


Hello people, who do you think black beard will kidnap? Tell me in the comments, please vote and comment. Sorry for grammar and spelling miskates

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