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Emma POV

Today I woke up earlier, I got up from my bed without waking Jasmine, Ariel and Aurora. I grabbed some black pants, a white t-shirt, my black boots, my sword and my bow and arrow. I got dressed and went outside, everyone was quiet because everyone was still sleeping, I went to the kitchen grab a red apple and went to the forest to practice with my bow and arrow.

After practicing for a while, I went back to the castle and saw that everyone was already wake up and eating in the table

-Good morning Emma, where were you?- My mother asked

-I was practicing with my bow and arrow- I said taking a seat next to Phillip

-Next time you go and practice please inform us, we were worried- She said looking a bit mad

-Worried? You were all here having breakfast- I said not thinking about what I was saying

-Well we didn't thought that Black Beard kidnap you because we saw that you took your sword and bow and arrow but still we didn't knew where you were

-Yes mother- We all ate our breakfast in silence and after that my mother needed me to accompain her to the ball room.

-So Emma this is how the room will look the day of your party

-Wow, it looks amazing but why so much plates and all that? How many people will come?

-Ohh well it's like 800-1,000 people aproximately


-Yeah, that's not so much people I know

-Mom, that's A LOT of people, why did you invite so much people?

-Because is your party! Plus we had to

-No mom we didn't have to, if we want to invite that people is because we want not because we have to, no one is telling you that you have to- I snapped in front of my mother, I thought she was going to invite 500 people not 1,000

-EMMA! How you dare to talk to me like that?- She said getting angry

-Well is true mom, I never thought you were going to invite 1,000 people to my party, were I only probably know 100 maximum 200, but 1,000? Mom that's exagerating

-No it's not, and you can't talk to me like that, I'm your mother and YOU ARE GROUNDED!- She said to me

-You are punishing me after I said my point of view?

-Watch your tone young lady, I'm your mother and you can't talk to me like that

-Well I can't believe you grounded me!- I said leaving the ball room

-EMMA!- and then I ran to the garden, I was so mad at my mother, I was just saying that 1,000 people is a lot of people. I sat down in the garden babbling to myself, then I saw heard that someone was calling my name

-Emma are you okay?- Jorge said

-No I'm not, my mother just grounded- I said really mad

-Why did she ground you?- He said sitting down next to me

- Well because she told me that there are coming 1,000 people to my party and I thought there would only come 500 maximum 600 but I was wrong, and seriously I don't like to have big parties, I just wanted a small party with my friends and family, but with my mother it has to be something big

- Wow that's a lot of people, and I know how you feel about it


-Yes, always in my birthday, my father throws a big party with people I don't know, hardly I know 50 people, and I'm always bored because of that

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