Father- daughter time

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Emma POV
-Killian? What are you doing here? And are you okay?- I asked him worried
-I'm fine love, and well I was bored in my ship so I came to annoy you
-Give me one second I'm going down- I went inside my room looking for the rope I use to escape. I tie it to the balcon and went down where Killian was, I gave me a hug and said
-What happened with Black Beard? You got me worried
-I defeat his crew and don't worry about me I know how to defend mysef- I was relief that he was okay
You look stunning Swan- He said, and I started to blush
-Thanks, but tell me why did you came?
-I already told you, I was bored in my ship so I came to annoy you!- I started to get closer to him I felt his chest breathing fast, and I whisper in his ear
-You know, I have a superpower that tells when someone is lying, and you my friend are lying.- Then I back off, I started to walk to the rope but he grabbed me by my waist and pull me near him, where there was only 1inch separating my lips from her
-The real reason is that I wanted to see you
-You did?- I started to smile, he came to see me
- Aye- He said, then he started to lean in to kiss me, OMG HE WANTS TO KISS ME WHAT SHOULD I DO? I did the same, but when our lips were going to touch someone interrupt us
-EMMA WHERE ARE YOU?-MY father shouted. I started to back off and said
-I'm sorry Killian but I have to leave, if my father doesn't find me he will freak out, and if he sees you he will kill you- I head to the rope but he grabbed my hand, kissed it and said:
-Everyday, I'll come to this same spot, at the same hour to see you Swan, hope you will be here as well- And with that he left. I was smiling like an idiot, he really said that. I then realised I needed to get to my room. I climbed the rope, entered my room and closed the balcony door because someone was entering
- Ohh Em there you are- My father said with a face of relief
- Yes, Here I am, what happened?
- I saw Ariel, Jasmine and Aurora but I didn't saw you so I was worried.
- It's okay dad, I'm fine, I'm just going to sleep.
- Good, but in your dress?
- Ohh.. I forgot to change
- Okay... So do you want me to read you a book?
-DAD! - I throw him a pillow
- What?
- I'm not a little girl anymore
- For me? Yes- He said looking at the floor
- Ohh come on here - I said extending my arms. He came and gave me a hug. But then started to tickle me
- NEVER UNTIL YOU SAY YOU ARE MY LITTLE GIRL!- Then I started to thickle him, and we were both laughing and thickeling each until we were tired of laughing so much that our stomachs hurted. We rested in our bed and I saw that my father was looking at me
- What? - I asked him
- I was just thinking
- Really? In what?
-That what would had been your life if we had send you in the magic wardrobe, we would had miss everything of your life and I wouldn't forgive myself if you were miserable in that life- I saw him almost tearing up
- It's okay dad, you didn't had to because my grams changed and I'm with you, and... I'm your little girl- I saw how his face lighten up of what I just said, he hugged me, kissed my forehead and said
- I love you princess
- I love you too daddy
- Well I should leave, bye swettie
- Bye dad- And with that he left.
I change into my nightgown, and went to sleep, I thought about my moment with my father and who I missed that times when we passed time together and he said that I was his little girl. I'll always will be his little girl. Then I remembered that I almost kissed Killian, that moment was going to be magical but my father interrupted, maybe I was wrong. Maybe he is in love with me
Hey Everyone, first I won't update tomorrow because tomorrow I have my basketball finale and then I'll have another match of other tornement. 2 short chapter I know, but I needed to do this father and daughter time. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!
OHHH MYY GOOOOD!! LAST NIGHT EPISODEEE!! I ALMOST DIEED!! I cried, shout, was angry, was happy, was confuse, had all the emotions at the same time. So let's talk about the episode: First KILLIAAAN!! OH MY GOOD! He was so worried about Emma, and when he confessed everything by phone I was like YAAAS SHE WILL LOVE YOUU! Then the part were Gold tied him I was like STUPID DON'T HURT MY KILLY, and he was almost tearing up. Then WHY GOLD HAD TO RIP OUT HIS HEART!! WHYYY, HE CAN'T BE HIS PUPPET, BUT WELL GOLD HAS HIS HEART!! AND WHY DOESN'T HE TELLS EMMA? I'M SURE SHE WILL HELP HIM WITH THAAT! BUT GOOD I HATE RUMPLETISKIN RIGHT NOW I'M SOOO MAAD AT HIM AND I WANT TO KILL HIM EVEN THOUGH HE CAN ONLY BE KILLED WITH HIS DAGGER. BUT IF HE KILLS KILLIAN I WILL MAKE HIM SUFFER AND KILL HIM, but if they kill him is like putting all the drama in Emma and that she will never get her happy ending and all her boyfriends would die so that would be really heavy in one character (also every captain swan shipper will kill Adam and Edward). ALso didn't you saw that when Rumpletiskin rip his heart out it was all red? It's thanks to Emma! he changed for Emma, and all the hate and bad feelings he had, he let them go because he saw that to be with Emma he had to let go that feelings. Second Elsa: OH MY GOOOD I'M TEAM ELSA FOREVEER!! I was like yes you know how she feels HELP HER!! AND SHE DID! and how she let Anna trapped her in the urn without figthing? THAT WAS REALLY SWEET! 3. Snow queen: WHY EMMA DIDN'T BELIEVE HER WHEN SHE SAID SHE COULDN'T TRUST GOLD! like come on if someone says don't trust him DON'T DO IT! and WHY DID YOU CAST THE SPELL IN ANNA AND THEN IN WHOLE STORYBROOKE? seriously? I hate you snow queen. 4 OUTLAW QUEEN!! THAT SCENE WHERE THEY HAD TACOOS! I WAS LIKE YAAS! I know he is married to Marian but true love is true love so if he doesn't loves Marian why betrayed your heart? I know that Marian can find someone else that could be her true love, like doctor Hopper, I don't know someone else from Robin. And then the last scene where Robin was trying to find something about the writer? LIKE SERIOUSLY THE CUTEST THING! and the joke about the cat in the hat? really funny. 5 Regina and Snow: did you saw how they bond? Like Regina changed, and a lot! and how Snow gave her advices was really sweet. 6. Snow: She was really sorry about what she did, like she was the only one that saw her strange, but it was because she was shocked and she feels guilty and regrets it. 7. RUMPLETISKIN! OH MY GOOD I WANT TO KILL HIM RIGHT NOW!! HE HASN'T CHANGE A BIT! HE JUST WANTS POWER AND HE WILL STEP ON WHOEVER HE HAS TO DO IT TO BE FREE OF THAT DAGGER. Seriously Belle deserves someone better, and she has to make him choose, his dagger or her and he promised Baelfire he was going to change into a good man? Well you lied to your son, he gave his life for you and this is for what you use it? And WHY KILLIAAAN, WHY HE'S HEART NOOO! IF YOU KILL HIM I KILL YOU! After this episode I almost died and now I have serious emotional problems, all my friends has said that to me today, because everytime I see a captain swan scene I start to cry because what happens if this are the last scenes? and I was screaming to one friend because she said they would kill Killian (trying to be funny) and I just talked and shout that they shouldn't kill him. I know I look like a psycho fangirl, but that are our feelings. Feel free to comment what you thought about the episode and if you disagree with me just tell me this is my opinion

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