Everything happens for a reason

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Emma POV
I woke up the next day with Ariel by my side. We got dresed and we were heading to the table but then I stopped the girls
- What happened? - Ariel asked
- I need to go to the town
- Why - Jasmine asked
- I need to see Kil... Charles
Right, your boyfriend - Aurora said
- He's not my boyfriend
- But what are you going to do? You can't escape because well Black Beard - Aurora said
- I know, that's why I need your help
- In what? - Ariel asked
- We need to convince Pinnochio that we need to go to the town for some materials, and we convince our father
- Well that could be a good plan - Jasmine said
- I know, we need to go and talk with the guys NOW!! - We all headed to the boys room and knock in their room.
- Hey girls, what do you need? - Baelfire said opening the door
- We need to talk to all of you - Ariel said
- Okayyy... Come in - We all entered to their room
- Hey girls what are you doing here? - Phillip asked
- We need a favor
- Alright and what do you need? - Aladdin asked
- I need to go to the town, and my father won't let me go alone so I need all of you to accompain me
- Why do you need to go to the town?- Pinnochio asked
- She needs to see her boyfriend- All the girls said
- He is not my boyfriend! And I need to talk with him, about the last letter, so please would you accompain me and the girls?
- Okay- All the boys said
- Good but we need an excuse to get out, if we tell your father you are going to see a guy he will freak out- Ariel said
- I know but what we could tell him?
- Why don't we say we need wood to make I don't know a chair or something - Eric said
- For making bows, and we need to go with Pinnochio for the wood because each one needs to choose the type of wood they want for their bow.
- Yeah we could say that- Pinnochio said
- Good let's go - With that we left to the table
- Goodmorning guys what took you so long? - My mother asked
- Uhh.... We fall asleep?
- Are you sure? - My father asked
- Yeah yeah, I'm just tired
- Okay... So guys today you got the day free because Snow and me we have some meetings all day so you can do whatever you want
- Good dad because we were going to ask you if we can go to the town for a while
- NO WAY! You are NOT leaving this castle
- Dad I'm vulnerable in the castle too, and I'm not going alone.
- But why do you need to go to the town?
- We are going to Pinnochio's shop to get some wood to make bows- Phillip said
- Okay you can go, but for a short time- My dad said
- Thanks dad!- I said while giving him a hug. I went upstairs and grabbed my red cloak, I was wearing today a white with brown and red dress, I went downstairs were I saw all my friends.
- Ready? - Baelfire asked me
- Ready- I said putting my cloak over my face.
We covered all the town but we didn't find Killian. When we start to head to the castle I saw him through all the crowd
- Guys I see him
- Where is he?- Ariel asked me
- There - I said pointing where he was
- Go and talk to him- Jasmine said
- Okay, but we need the wood for the bows or my father will suspect, Pinnochio, Aladdin, Baelfire and Jasmine go for the wood and Phillip. Eric, Aurora and Ariel stay here and if Black Beard appears you take me out of there, okay? - All of them nod in understatement and Pinnochio, Aladdin, Baelfire and Jasmine left.
I started to walk towards Killian, I was really nervous of what I was going to say to him? I approach him and tap him on the shoulder, I was looking at the floor with cloak over my face, he turned around and said
- Uhh Who are you?
- It's me Emma - I said looking at him, uncovering a little bit my face and making him a signal that if we could talk in another place.
I started to walk to the other side of the road where it was more quiet and isolated, and he followed me.
- Hello beautiful, what happened?
- Well the day after we passed the day together, Black Beard appeared at the castle, trying to kindap me, but one of my friends didn't let that happen, but he left this note.- I gave the note to KIllian and he started to read it.
- That sick bastard - He said
- I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore because you are in danger if you try to protect me, and I don't want you getting hurt- I sai that last part in a whisper looking at the floor
- Emma look at me - He said raising my head
- I dont care what that sick bastard said, but I'm going to protect you with my life, I don't care if I have to give my life for you I will do it so please don't ever say that
- Thanks Killian- I said giving him hug. I looked over his shoulder and I saw Black Beard with some men of his crew looking for me
- Killian...
- What?- He said turning around and seeing Black Beard
- We need to get you out of here NOW!!- He said taking my hand
- My friends are here, we need to get to them - We went over where Phillip, Eric, Aurora and Ariel where.
- What happened?- Phillip asked
- Black Beard- Killian answered
- We need to get to the castle NOW! - Aurora said
- But what about Baelfire and all of them? - I asked
- You are our priority- Ariel said
- I'll go for them, Eric, Aurora, Charles and Ariel thake Emma to the castle
- I don't want to feel weak anymore- I said
- We know that but we want you safe, and you can't fight all that crew, can you? - They said pointing all of the men of Black Beard
- Fine- We started to leave without anyone seeing us. But then one of the men of Black Beard spoted us. He saw Ariel and Aurora, but he didn't saw my face but he knew it was me. They started to walk toward us and Killian said
- I'll distract them, you take Emma to the castle- Everyone nod in understatement and we started to head to the castle and Killian to distract Black Beard but I grabbed his arm and said
- Be careful
- I will - He said giving me a smile, then Aurora grabbed my hand and said
- EMMA LET'S GO! - We started to run to the castle and when we arrived we were safe
We had to wait for Baelfire and all of them to arrived and whe they arrived I felt relieved
- Emma are you okay? - Baelfire asked me giving me a hug
- Yes I am, I was worried about all of you
- Well we are okay- Phillip said
- Yeah I see, we can't tell my parents what happened, they don't need to know if not they won't let me go to the town again- Everyone nod in understatement
We got the wood- Pinnochio said and all of us laughed.
We passed the day making our own bows, after that day I was tired so I went to my room to get some sleep. Aurora, Ariel and Jasmine stayed with Eric, Phillip and Aladdin. Baelfire accompained me to my room
- Well goodnight Em
Goodnight Bae- I said, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and he left. I entered my room change into my night gown and got into bed. Then I listened someone talking
- Ohh poor Emma no onw would save her now
- Black Beard? What are you doing here?- I said trying to move away from Black Beard
- What I wanted to do a long time ago- He said getting near me, I tried to scream and punch but it was useless, he grabbed me and threw me to the floor, he kicked me and then hitted me on the head. Then all went black
Hey everyone sorry for not updating I've been really busy, but well here's the new chapter. I'll try to update sooner. hope you like it

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