Fighting lessons

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Emma POV:
The meetings were soooo boring! The first one was with Captain Francis! Yes my father promoted him to captain because is the only man he trusts right now. The reunion was about the wars with the ogres.

The next meeting was with the peasants. Well it wasn't a real reunion, the peasants just came told my father what was happening and my father would help them.
The last meetinf was with my father's friends and family for me, it was about the situation with Black Beard because he doesn't trust any of the guards except for Francis so yeah he needs help. It was with grumpy and the other 6 dwarves, Red and Granny, the blue fairy, Geppetto and Pinocchio. I talked with him because I was really bored and I was happy to see him.
-PINOCCHIO is so good to see you!
-Hey Em, how have you been?
-Well you will find out when the meeting starts
-Is there something wrong?
-Well.... Yes but really you will found out in the meeting! Meanwhile why don't we talk about you? How have you been?
-I'm fine, I'm working with my dad right now
-Well that's really good! I haven't seen you in ages right?
-Right because someone is always busy and don't have time for her friends and you forget about them
-Heyyyy that's not true, well kind of. I'm always busy because I'm a princess and yeah I don't have time for anything but I NEVER forget about my friends! How could I forget you?
-I don't know...
-Haha so funny, so any love interests?
-Well... Yes
- Everyone please take a seat and let's start the meeting -My father said
-We will continue with this conversation later
My father started to speak and tell everyone what was happening, everyone was looking confuse and worried about me but I was putting my best face to show I was okay

- So we need your help about Black Beard, because we can't trust our own guards and we don't know what to do- My father said finishing his speech
-Well we will help- Grumpy talked
-Yeah me and granny will help too- Red said
- I will help you with magic and anything you need- Blue stated
-My father and I will be glad to help Emma- Pinnochio said
-Thanks everyone this means a lot to Snow, Emma and me -My father said
-So what we should do? -Grumpy asked
-First we need to find where's Black Beard's, what are his plans, and try to guard the palace. -My father said
-Well I could track him down if you want -Red said pointing to her nose. Red is human and a werewolves with full moon and she is the best tracker, after my mother obviously.
-We could guard the palace - Grumpy offered
- And I could do some magic but it won't help really a lot- Blue stated
-It doesn't matter, anything you can do to help us serves. - My father said
- Well I could help protecting Emma in the castle- Pinnochio said
-Thanks Pinnochio that means a lot to us - My father said
-Well I think is all for today becauuse we have to leave but we could continue with our plans tomorrow? - My father said and everyone nod in understantement
-Good, thanks everyone for coming- then the dwarves, red and granny and blue left
-Well Em you will see me more often
-Thanks Nochio it means a lot to me and yeah I think so
- You know you are the only one who calls me Nochio?
-Yeap I know
-Anyway I have to go and get my things see you later?
-Yes bye, and don't forget our conversation- I yelled while he was leaving with his father
-What conversation? -He yelled back, I started to laugh
-Well princess we don't have anymore meetings, let's go and eat and then we go and start teaching you to fight
-Alright - We went to the living room in the castle then to the table well we ate. We were the only ones there because the other people were doing who knows what.
We left to the garden well my lesson started
- First rule Em: you need to have your knuckles in a defensive way. Right foot behind to have more balance while punching your adversary alright? - I nod in understantement
-Good, now try to punch me in the face or ribs, don't worry I will be fine
-If you say so...- I threw some punches to my dad but he dodge them and made me stumble and fall
- Second rule: don't be so obvious. Try to fool him, move like you are going to punch him in the face but then punch him in the stomach
-Alright- I tried again fooling my dad, and i hitted him in the ribs
-Welm that was good- I look to one side and he threw me to the floor
-Third rule: never take your eyes of your opponent.
-I noticed that!
- Fourth rule: now try to use your feet, like kick him in the face and them kick him with your feet in the stomach
-Okay- I punched him in the ribs then I spin around and try to kick him in the stomach but failed and kicked him in his private parts
- Well that is good against your opponent if is a man but try not to use it with your father
-I'm so sorry dad I tried to kicked you in the stomach but well failed.
-Yeah I noticed! But I'm fine let's continue

After few hours I had a great fight with my father, I knew how to put myself in a defensive way, how to kick guys with my feet while I'm punching them. How to dodge punches and one that I love is to take the hand of your opponent and then flip their arm and with a lot of force make them fall. Also how to put my feet behinds him and make him fall, take out infromation of someone and fight with your hands with a sword also, or a bow and arrow it was awesome
- well Em you really learn fast, but we need to keep practicing
- I know dad, it was awesome I loved the lesson, can we do it again tomorrow?
-Sure swettie, now let's go and eat because all this fighting made me really hungry
-Yeah I can see that- We went to the table and sat down with everyone
-EMMA! Where were you all day? -My mom asked me
-I passed the day with my dad
-It was a great day
-I was worried about you!
-But we didn't have anymore classes after the one with all the girls
-I know but I was worried! Anyway what you did today?
-Well first my dad took me to three REALLY BORING meetings, but then he had fighting lessons
- Hey one of them you passed it with Pinnochio bothering each other
-I know, where is he?
-I don't is he coming? -My mother asked
- Yeah he said that he would help to protect me
- Talking about me? -He said entering the room
-Yes I am- Then everyone went and hugged him
-Well this is a good welcome party
- Yeah yeah, anyway guys I'm going to sleep I'm tired of all the fighting
-Okay goodbye- everyone said and I went upstairs to sleep.
I was in my bed trying to sleep but I couldn't because I was thinking about Killian! I haven't see him in two days and I need to show him the new letter of Black Beard but how? I need a new excuse to go to the town but what I could invent? I stayed thinking about that until I went to sleep.
Hey everyone so here is the next chapter and I won't update in a few days because tomorrow is halloween and I have a party, the next day I have two parties and one is sweet fiftheen and the next day I have a match so yeah I won't update, but I'll try

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