・゚*。☆Me-ow Problems・゚*。☆

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"So... I made this...thing, while I was half asleep." Solar said, sitting on a black chair in the dim litted room. His eyes fixated on the camera as the atmosphere around him gone dreader each time pass by. He pulled out a half filled test tube, pink-purple liquid swirl in it.

"I noticed it have decrease in amount, and I wasn't sure if the trio was the cause because they are no where to be found." He added, eyeing the test tube warily as he uncapped it. "I'll be testing this now... If anything happens to me, just remember I love all of you my dear viewers." He smiled one last time, before gulping down the odd fluid.

"Ugh-reminds me of sandpaper—"


"Quake? I can't find my dress, do you know where is it?" You asked, walking out from the bedroom. Quake is no where to be found as well. "That's strange. Today is his day off. Has something's up?" You muttered, plopping onto the sofa. A rustle sound disturbs you as your dress trotted on the floor.

"What the heck." You took the cloth to see a calico feline underneath it. It meowed and instantly melt your heart. "Awww thank you for finding this for me kitty~ I wonder if you can accompany me while waiting for my husband~" you pick it up, stroking it's soft fur as it purr.


"Hun, you seem pale." You noted as Thunder holding his temple. "I'm fine. A little dizzy." He said. You frown. "You didn't take alcohol do you?" Earlier he was dragged by Quake for their siblings hang out. It would be no way they'll be taking alcohol especially with Quake's there, but who knows?

"Heck, no. Probably it just my allergic towards them start to came out—" a white smoke emitted out of no where and you panicked, quickly open the windows and doors. "Thunder? Thunderstorm??" You called out, checking back at the spot he was earlier. Only to be found a curly, fluffy haired cat. It hissed to itself upon seeing the glint in your eyes.


"This is it. It's between the two of us now Miss Teddy." You said, face emotionless upon the sin-less teddy. "No one can interrupt us." You grinned, checking up a list of every single torture you have think of. Where should we start? Cut the belly up to the throat as the fluffy insides pour out? Chopping the head and gouge its beady eyes? Shave its artificial fur? Ooh, should we hid the body anyway~?

The cutter held up above the teddy's head as you held in the laughs when a gray furball yeeted in through an open window, screaming in its feline language with panick. "What the heck, I'm busy here and how do you come in?! It's the 3rd floor cat!" "MYAHHH!!" And the next thing you know, the british short hair cat is flying, yeeting itself out with Miss Teddy.



It's night time by now and Blaze aren't home yet. But it wasn't that late so you assume he really have a great time with his siblings. "Time for movie night! Now I can hog all the food to myself!" You grinned, skipping towards the kitchen after finding a movie to binge.

The table is littered with wrappers and some food crumbs littered all around. Spot coated feline caught in action as it paws try to reach the drawer where you hid your food stash. On it's mouth dangle what it seem like a tail...or a rope. You pulled out a broom. "Paws up and 5 steps back away from there."


"Now he's gone, it feels weird to be the one alone." You hummed, a few hours after Cyclone and Blaze kidnapped your husband from his nap fortress. Not that you mind that much, since he have caved himself in the house way too every day offs.

You decide to read outside when a rather, big, or long maybe, heavily coat feline waiting before the door. "Meoooww." It wailed, rubbing it's fluffy body against your leg. You held him up. "Uh, you're a heavy big guy. Are you lost? Your owner must be missing you now." You asked. It meowed, eyes glinting to the kitchen counter. "Okay, let's find some snacks first."


"Myaaaa! Myaaaa! Myaaaaaa!"

"Was it the mating season or what?" You grunt, annoyed by the endless ruckus outside your house. The cat had been screaming like hours. Maybe it was trapped or something. But if it's really mating out there, you're not guilty to give some lesson.

You bang open the door, to meet a scared small munchkin, hiding behind the bushes as it stopped wailing. Now you feel guilty for the innocent being. "C'mere kitty. I'm sowwy." You called softly, as it slowly approach you. It rubbed it's head to your palm, meowing dryly. "Poor kitty. Let's find something for you to drink." You pick it up, as the kitten snuggle in your arms.


"For the sake of science. My ass." You groaned, mixing the countless fluid in the lab. "You should be greatful I was watching your live furball!" You exclaimed to the elegant siamese breed, still wearing it's trusty visors as it flipped the book with it's nose. "Myeh." It said, now pushing an orange colour fluid container to you with it's head.

"This is the 17th time, if it's fail or explode, I am not going to help anymore." You took the container, uncapping it as cat Solar gave a meowing wail. "I wonder what your child think to know their dad is a cat." "NYEH!!"

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