・゚*。☆How you met・゚*。☆

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It's pretty classy actually. You were walking down the hall, having couples set files of assigmment to bring with. You were about to go upstairs when there's a man running down, too late to avoid and you two collided. He was quick to hold your arm and shoulder, keeping you from fall.

"I-I-I am really sorry!" He choke out an apologise, frantically collecting your files and paper. He hand them to you quickly. "I am really sorry, but I'm late now. Sorry!" He said before running off down the hall.

"Oyy! Who gave you justification to run at the hallway!!" Mr. Papazola shouted, chasing the man.


You're at the café with your small group of friends, having a really fun girls' talk. You ordered a cup of hot mocha and cute whipped cream on top. Happy to get your order, you turn around quite suddenly, your cup hit off onto someone's chest.

"OWW!" He yelp as the hot fluid smeared on his front shirt. You're dead. Freaking dead. "I-I'M SO SORRY" you panicked as you take your tissue and try to wipe it. Sadly, it turn worst.

"I'll do it myself." The man glared at you with his red piercing eyes. Snatching the tissue from you and walk away leaving you in great guilt.


You sigh as the monthly assessment is around the corner. And you have to be in a group of unknown people from other class. You're afraid if it doesn't pull out as how you expected like what happened last month grouping.

Finding your name from hundreds of students name list is like a complete eyesight torture, not to mention how packed it was there. After lots of attempts to get through in, you sigh defeatedly and waited for the crowd to be less violent.

You saw a man was pushed out from the crowd as he huffed disappointedly. "Hey, you alright?" You asked. He raised his eyebrows seeing you before grinning. "I'm good. I never thought finding my name could cause world war." He said. You shrugged. "I know right?" You agreed.

"Oh, I like your bracelet, its awesome!" He chided as you smiled now. "Well yours unique."


It's your first day getting into the college. You felt quite nervous as you enter the lecture hall. Few pairs of eyes stare at you walking in and you sometimes don't understand the logic why people love to stare people who walks into the room. It's annoying and uncomforting.

You choose to sit a bit at the back, not too far back beside a boy who were doodling something in his notebook. He caught you staring and despite that, he send you a warm friendly smile before continuing his work.


The monthly assessment is nearing and you get yourself to the library, sadly enough it was jam packed inside, you hardly found any seats. You sigh, finally found an empty seat.

But there is a man sleeping at your front. Oh well, better than nothing. You came nearer at sat on the seat. The man awake as he dazed, looking at you. "May I sit here?" You ask. He yawns and continue his slumber.

Oh well, that's probably a 'yes', maybe.


You're got into detention for not greeting Mr. Papazola at the hall so he told you to do a file report of the names every plants in the campus, much to your dismay.

So here you are, walking like a lost cat, finding out every trees name. You saw a green house and maybe you should ask some cheat sheet from the gardener or the members there.

As you expected, a boy is watering the plants, humming happily. "Oh. A person. Hi!" He greet you. You smiled, asking for his help. He help you out and the two of you walking around the campus pointing out every tree names.


The magazine club have to intetview some students review for the campus cafeteria so they can improve. Since you are the campus mag member, you walk around with your phone and your fellow cameraman strolling around and disturb people that peacefully eating.

"Thank you for the review! Onto the next target!" You said walking towards a rather swag looking man eating fried noodles with a rather bored face. You approach him as he gave you an expectant look.

"Hi there! I'm here to-" "Yeah, yeah I know why you're here for. I heard your voice squeaking since from your first interview." He cuts off, making you a bit embarrased as he describe your voice as 'squeaky'.

"O-Oh! That's make it easier! So anything to say, Mr. Knowledgable?" You ask, rolling your eyes as he gave a smirk. "Yes. The foods is so oily, especially the fried eggs. If you pressed it, the oil is enough to cook another more 5 eggs! And can they make a place to put used utensils?! It's gross and unhealthy to just let it lay on the table after used!" He commented.

You nodded, agreeing to him in content that finally somebody talking some sense instead of 'it's good.' "Really appreciate your review Mr. Commentator! Well then that's all from me, onto the studio!" You said as the cameraman nodded finished recording it. You wave goodbye to him which he just shrug it off.

A/n: woah, I didn't notice I wrote a lot on Solar (when me actually bias on Hali) but hey, enjoy!

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