Can We Talk?

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Nothing is more awkward than not knowing where you stand with someone in a relationship. Luke said he like me, clearly I like him. But……we’re not dating? I mean I didn’t expect him to ask me out right then and there but it’s been 4 days and he’s barley said two words to me.  I think part of it is Ashton, he approved of us dating but he can’t really approve of anything now.  Me and Berkeley are friends and you don’t see me forbidding him from dating her. They’re practically dating but then again no one has made anything “official” yet.

Maybe he’s scared of being together. I would really hope he didn’t think dating me would ruin his reputation or something. That would be extremely shallow and just plain rude.

Ashton turned the radio all the way up on the drive to school. Obviously he didn’t want any awkward silence. We’re both kind of dealing with the same thing, even though we should talk about it, we don’t.

He pulled into the parking lot and turned down the radio.

“J, I’ll pick you up after school ok?”

“I was gonna walk home with L-“

“I’ll pick you up.”

“Umm Okay.”

I got out and closed the door and he drove away quickly. I always walk home with Luke, but I guess there wouldn’t be much talking so a car ride with Ash was basically the same thing.

Michael was sitting at our normal spot on his phone. I sat down next to him and let out a big sigh. He looked over and put his phone in his pocket.

“Luke still quiet?”

“Ehh….it’s whatever”

“So lemme get this straight. He kissed you, told you he liked you then just went silent”

“Yup pretty much”

“Speak of that loser……” He trailed off as Luke walked up and sat down next to me.

The Moment I Knew (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now