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(pic of her boyfriend Dontrell)

(pic of her boyfriend Dontrell)

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"Smile Dontrell. He bored ya'll," I say to my followers when Dontrell just gives me a look and then gets up and turns his back to my phone instead. All the girls think Dontrell so hot and so cute fo rme They don't know that he's undercover gay.

"Le'ts go eat I ain't smilim' I'm starvin'," Dontrell say all mean and point at our lil do- boy and tell him to grab all my bags. I'm stuntin' so hard on these haters.

"I see you Spice ONE! And Tra In The Wind! I see you Crush'em Doll! I'll hit all yall bek -- show yall the restaurant we pick. Bye," I say and get off my live. After 55 minutes of shoppin' for all my follower on Facebook live and Instagram I'm bored and hungry too. And gettin' mad because Armani just popped up -- right before Delontae and me and Dontrell and Monique was about to take a tour of the Saudi Royal Palace. She better be down wit going, I wanna see some shit, I don't wanna sit around here. I answer my phone for Julius,

"What's up Aisha?" he say and I smile.

"In Saudi Arabia," I tell him.

"I know I saw you on the Gram, so you know right?"

"Know what?

"About Bo."

"I don't be checkin' for Bo and I unfollowed him so what's up?" I ask Julius.

"He locked up," he tell me and my heart drops.

"Noooo for what?"

"He had his son wit him, holdin' him and shit, and Mirage popped up still crankin' shit over you poppin' up at the studio and shit right? And they got into it -- and she either hit the baby, made him drop the baby, or some shit -- but anyway she pressed charges on that nigga, he took it to dat hoe out there in Lacey driveway about his son, and he had some pills on him," Julius tells me. Dayumm!

"Daaaamn, that's fucked up," I admit, feelin' bad for Bo.

"But Lacey said the hoe planted the pills on him when they was tusslin' -- Lacey swear dat shit down -- she say Mirage put the pills in Bo pocket and called the police, Lacey say that's when Bo thumped that hoe real good a few times, is when she called them folks on his ass. Lacey said he said he was givin' dat bitch sum'm to call about, but he didn't realize he had that shit on him. Lacey say she was like in yo pocket, yo pocket she put summ in yo pocket! -- And Bo looked and checked and found it and threw dat shit right fast, and them police caught that shit on they body cam, searched the grass and found dat shit," Julius tells me about Bo. I just shake my head. Hell naw. That bitch.

"That bitch Mirage is trash, I would rather he had got back wit Lacey. I knew Mirage wasn't shit when Bo hooked up wit that bitch," I tell Julius and watch a couple walk by me with so much fucking luggage and servants following them. I stare...

AISHA: AISHA GOT ITWhere stories live. Discover now