Healing 18

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A sneeze erupted in the room, the phone in hand nearly slipping out from his grasp as he sniffled loudly. The raven-head looked away from his laptop to the blonde with a concern look, pouting his lips slightly knowing the blonde had gotten a cold from yesterday. "I told you to use the umbrella," Soonyoung scoffs and Jihoon rolled his eyes as he wiped his nose with the billionth tissue of today. Personally, the shorter had no regrets. 

It was odd how the weather became sunny today, a complete opposite from the day before. It seems like Jihoon met his own reflection yesterday, whilst today is the day where Soonyoung meet his own.

Currently, Jihoon is laying in bed with his body temperature increasing and decreasing. Although, Soonyoung is wearing a tee, his bare arms exposed to the room temperature room - Jihoon is in many blankets, shivering by the 'cold' air. Of course, it was only his feverish temperature having a rollercoaster, causing him to feel heated or freezing. It was only this morning that Soonyoung figured that Jihoon was sick, finding out then Jihoon telling himself. 

Usually, when Jihoon is sick, he usually takes care of himself. Thus, Soonyoung woke up at 6 in the morning to a empty bed and hearing the loud rummaging from downstairs. Obnoxiously, Jihoon slammed the cabinets closed with growing irritation as he looked for medication to help himself however Soonyoung's kitchen is only filled with food. Jihoon checked everywhere, including the bathrooms, but there was no sign of medication. 

Jihoon wondered if Soonyoung ever gets sick. 

But, when Soonyoung found out, he admitted that he only has Tylenol that helps pain and fevers, but they will need to stop by the store to buy some medicine for his cold. Jihoon didn't care as long as he get rid of this fever, therefore he took the pills after having a tasteless breakfast. Trying to use his sense of his smell is unfavorable, as he only felt the congestion, resulting in him breathing through his mouth with slight annoyance. 

The blonde doesn't remember the last time he gotten sick, but he never liked being sick. It was annoying to deal with, and Jihoon absolutely hate it. With his annoyance, it resulted in his outbursts or constant childish whines and Soonyoung only responds with "Maybe you should of used the umbrella." Jihoon would argue back, but the raven-head was right. However, he needs a break from the taller's bickering as he gotten a dosage yesterday. 

Sniffling loudly, "This sickness is making me lose against Joshua!" Jihoon whines as he lost another game against the older, the two playing mobile games to cure each other's boredom. Soonyoung is currently filing down Jihoon's behavior, writing at his desk as he scrolled through research articles on his laptop. He didn't pay attention to Jihoon, but thankfully Joshua is as bored as Jihoon. 

Throughout the time, Jihoon and Joshua spent the hour playing 8ball pool. If Soonyoung's bickering is annoying, supposedly Joshua's taunting is more annoying. Groaning, Jihoon rolled to his side, facing the clock on the bedside as he huffed. Huffing in annoyance but also he couldn't breathe normally through his congested nose. "Youngie... When are we getting medicine?" Jihoon calls out, wanting to get better soon. Also, reminding the raven-head since the other did promise to go out and get medicine. 

"In just a few minutes," Soonyoung responds with. His adverted gaze lasting onto his laptop screen, obviously determined to finish his work and Jihoon looked over at him. He let out an exasperated groan, needy for attention and medicine. Gradually, his body slipped off the side of the bed, the blankets clinging onto his body and slowing down his pace of melting off the bed. "I will just die," Jihoon dramatically says as he landed on the carpeted floor. 

Sniffling aggressively, his clogged nose remaining the same and he grunted in mere annoyance. Laying on the floor, Jihoon stared off into the distance with a blank expression. Sometimes, he would hear Soonyoung's fingers tapping onto the keyboard and then silence, once again. Frowning, he turned on his back and faced the ceiling. A sigh escape his lips, "I can't see Sunny..." he mumbles to himself, whining softly once again. 

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