A Call from Nowhere Part 1

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{{-ERROR-}}'s Note: It b e g ins a g ain.... There is n o  e s c a p e now. Go od night f or n ow Wattpadders.... 


({{-ERROR-}} few weeks after {{-ERROR-}} of Connections)

 Mumbo's POV:

 I sighed as I looked around Grian's now empty base.

 It wasn't void of his supplies, clothes, and inventions. No, that stuff was all still there and working efficiently without its master. The base, however, was void of life. 

 Grian's life to be more specific.

 My body quivered as I explored the place. X, Iskall, and I have issues a search for Grian, but we, nor the others could find a trace of him. Of course, by the others I meant Stumpt and EVO. It seemed like no one could find the short architech.

 X had decided to contact an outside server. Central server and Wattpad. It seemed like Mighty had gone missing as well. That explained why we received no warning from Mighty to meet up with TFC in his base.

 This caused some mild panic amongst everyone. No one had an idea on where they could've ended up, and there wasn't even a trace of them ever leaving the server. I took out my communicator and checked the list of people.

 Yep, there they were. The hybrid and hermit both online but offline at the same time. 

 I didn't find anything in the home area of Grian's base, so I suppose the only way to go was up. My blood went cold as I flew up to the different levels. People could say that the base was getting colder because of the attitude, but I believe it's because of the aloneness that I felt.

 The birds were chirping sadly as they looked up at the barren music player. There was an odd, black ooze that seemed to drip down its side. I gently petted the birds causing them all to coo sadly before nuzzling into my arm. 

 " We'll find Grian...." I told the birds as I continued to fly through the base. I decided to go to the very top. A place that Grian has kept lock off for only the Architechs.

 I still didn't know what was up there though. To be honest, it scared me a bit. I know I'm tall but being almost at build height is a terrifying thought even if you could respawn. 

 The room was dark. An odd, slimy substance lined the walls and floors. It was stringed around like a spider's web with blood covering the ground in odd spots. A majority of the blood was on some of the spikes in the center.

 I gagged at the room. Why does.... Why does my head hurt all of a sudden? I coughed and put my hand over my mouth.

 This ooze.... 

 I-I remember it. I... This stuff was used with that thing. The thing that possessed Grian's body and forced me to be one of its minions. No wonder I was gagging. I knew what this stuff tasted like as my own bodily functions all shut off in order to occupy that black monster's influence. 

 Oh my goodness.... 

 If this stuff is in Grian's base then.... 

 I walked over to the large area of blood and kneeled down. A small, red piece of cloth was on the ground. It was half buried in the ooze.

 " Grian...." 

 I picked up the cloth. I looked at the cloth and narrowed my eyes in confusion. There was something off about this cloth. It looked like a piece of Grian's sweater, but it also had a piece that was light blue. 

 " Were you here Mighty?" I questioned as I stuffed the cloth into my inner suit pocket. I needed to tell the others. 

 Walking out of the room, I heard the a woman's voice. The voice was coming from the bottom of Grian's base. I glided down and landed on the ground. The moment I tried to move, however, I fell to the ground.

 " Oh dear Mumbo!" 

 I looked up at Miss Nettyplays. She held her hand out to me, " Hey Netty. What brings you to this server?" I took her hand and got up. The bottom of my shoes were covered in the black ooze.

 Netty frowned at me as I looked at her, " Grian and Mighty have gone missing... Were you guys not told?" I questioned as Netty sighed. She looked back, " Well, that's why I'm here Mumbo..." she looked down.

 The hybrid looked up at me sadly with some tears forming in her eyes, " Martyn, Timmy, Mini, Zee, and I were attacked not too long ago." she began as she leaned against the platform. 

 " I... I don't know what attacked us. It spoke in this glitching, mocking voice, and the others tried to fight it but....." Netty's ears went down. I put my hand gently on her shoulder as she started to cry. 

 Netty cried into my suit with her tail low to the ground. She shivered as she let out a soft, pitiful sniffle, " It... It took control over Timmy and Mini... Martyn, in his last moments of consciousness, shoved me into the portal to here before closing it." 

 I frowned at her, " So, he sacrificed himself to keep you alive....." I whispered as I hugged her. Netty was silent in my arms as her ears twitched, " I was hoping that Grian was here because I want to go back and save them." she sighed as I nodded.

 The two of us looked at each other sadly, " I found an important clue to Grian's disappearance though... Maybe.... Just maybe we can go get Iskall and see X together. I know we can get everyone back." I tried to remain positive as Netty nodded. She rubbed her eyes as her tail twitched.

 " Let's do this." she smiled as I lifted her up. The two of us flew off towards the cold Swede's ice castle. 

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