Chapter 1: Seeing

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Chapter 1:

The afternoon at 12 Grimauld Place was fairly average. Mrs.Weasley was in the kitchen fixing the next meal that was big enough to feed an army.  Harry and Ron were playing Wizard's chess in the living room.  Hermione was reading the newest additon of 'Hogwarts a History' in the Library with Crookshanks purring contently on her lap.  Ginny was chasing Fred and George around the second floor throwing Bat-Bogey hexes at them left and right, and bleeding all down her front.  They had placed a grounded up nose bleed nugget in her smoothie after which she bleed all over her favorite novel about an old man and a shark.  This had also earned the boys a yell from their mother about acting their age and they had to apologize to their sister.  Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Bill, and Charlie were all playing cards at the kitchen table.  Arthur was at work along with the other remaining Order members.  All the residents at the mysterious house of Black were waiting for the rest of the Order members to arrive so kids could be feed and business could be delt with. 

At five o'clock Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shackelbolt, Alastor Moody, and the rest of the order came in the front door after Mad eye told Remus the seceret word.  They all sat down at the table, the earlier card game had already ended and the table was almost three quarters of the way full with Molly approved Weasley food.  About 15 minutes later Albus Dumbledore came in through the front door (after a conversation with Arthur) and sat down at the head of the table after being offered by Sirius.

"Do you think Severus will show," questioned Molly to her husband.

"You never can tell".

After all the food was placed in the coresponding spots, Molly called all the children down for a feeding.

Everyone sat down and Dumbledore said grace.  Everyone was chatting and laughing at one anothers tells and jokes.  Fred and George bewitched Ron's pumpkin juice to scoot out of reach every time he moved his hand towards it.  This earned them a roll to the head from their younger brother. 

Even though Molly spent nearly three hours making the humongous meal it was gone in t minus 15 minutes.  When everyone was done she waved her wand vanishing all the dirty dishes and shooed the children (Fred and George included) all out.  When everything was settled the order members got down to business and looked to Dumbledore when they were all seated. 

Severus Snape, feared potions master and maker of all childrens nightmares came through the door (after speaking with Albus) right as everyone settled down.  He talked to no one and moved straight to the seat on Dumbledor's left.  After which Albus sat up straight and started the meeting.

"I have recruted a new addition to the Order of the Phoenix," at this eyebrows across the table raised, "I assure you she is trust worthy.  Some of you have meet her before.  She graduated from Hogwarts seven years ago and moved to America.  She went to Ilverymorny school were she majored in mind magics, such as non verbal and non wand magics, and minored in both Dark Arts and Potions.  She even managed to become a Professor at the school for Occulmancy.  She is also a spy for the Ministry of Magic in America, and rumored to be one of the best in the business.  Anyone who she is assigned to usually is caught with in 24 hours." This brought wispers all about the table.  Severus was a little intreeged.  She was able to become a Professor just as fast as he had.  Maybe she would be smarter than these idiots he was subjected to each and every day of his miserable life. "She should be here any minute, though I must inform you that she is....different" 

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