Chapter 3: Leaving

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That morning before she would say good bye to Severus she was called to her leader in Italy.  She only had time to leave a short note.
Dear SS,
I was called.  Explain later.
Love EM.
P.S.: thanks for accepting my love, mi amore.
Then she left like a wispher of smoke from the last embers of a fire. 
That morning Severus woke up to an empty bed and a feeling of loss without his mate.  He sliped out of bed and found the note on the side table and smiled he finally found love.  Elizabeth boarded a plane to Valterra, Italy at 6:00 am.  She longed to be with her mate but this was important and had to be delt with. 
She had already sent word to Aro of her planned visit.  So when she received a letter back stating that she could come that evening she had to go.  She planned on staying at most a few days but if they wanted her presence then she had to stay.  It worried her on how this would affect Severus but there was nothing she could do. 
She took a window seat and peered out the small window as the plane took off.  She sat mesmerized by the moving Earth and clouds bellow.  Sure she has flown before many times in fact but the moving land and water bellow her never failed to capture ber attention.  She left her knifes under Severus and her's bed to keep them safe and far away from the children.  If she brought them people would be suspicious.  Instead of her jump suit and cloak she wore a pair of muggle skinny jeans, a black shirt, a pair of black combat boots, a black sweatshirt, and a pair of slick, black riding gloves.  She also brought a small carry sized black duffle which contained her special attire only worn by members of her coven.  These clothes were black robes with golden stripes on the chest, a black cape, and black military boots.  She was far up in the ranks.  In fact she was her boss's right hand man.  This is probably why Dumbledore asked her to talk to her master.  This bag also contained her machete transfigured into an old romance novel titled Romeo and Juliet.  She didn't really care for the book but it kept her under the radar of muggle authorities.   Her wand was hidden within her right boot and the bottom if her pant leg for easy access.  She was able to hold in her need to kill everyone on the plane through her well trained self control.  Severus eats away at this every time she is around him.  When he is changed she will not have to worry about this. 
The plane finally lands and after waiting three hours in costoms she is able to step out in the Italian streets.  She makes her way through the street making sure to keep her hood pulled down far enough for people not to see her skin.  She walked by the fountain in the middle of town and kept heading for the large castle like building where her coven abides. 
When she made it to the large front doors she made a right, walking along the side of the building to the side door that all the vampires use to keep away from the humans in the lobby.  She used Neromagic to unlock the door and make her way inside.  She stopped at the small bathroom along the way and changed into her uniform.  Then she changed her romance novel back to her beloved machete and straped it to her hip while also hiding her wand within her right sleeve.  She shrunk her duffle bag and placed it in her pocket. Then she headed for the throne room where her three masters waited patiently.  While entering she bowed her head to imply obedience, "Good afternoon Aro." She greeted the tall, brown haired, crimson eyed man who was seated before her.  "Ah Elizabeth nice to see you made it here with no problems." 
"Yes it was a long ride but I believe this trip will be worth the time." She responded.
"What might be so important that you had to practically beg to talk to us," asked Caius.
"It's a reason of up most importance to the wizarding community."
"What makes you think we will be interested?" Asked Caius seeming annoyed.
"This problem involves us vampires as well." She paused to look at the faces of her kings.  Aro was staring at her intreeged.  Caius was glaring and reminded her of a moody teenager.  However Marcus was staring into space, studying something only he could see. 
"Go on," said Aro.
"This involves Voldemort.  He is rising to power again.  We are afraid that he will try to align vampires, werewolves, giants, and various other magical creatures along with his Death Eaters to attack and kill all muggles.  This means that we will have a harder time catching prey because more humans will be informed of us.  We are aware of Voldemort using vampires in the first war and The Order wants to gain our help before he does." 
All three kings were stunned by this but none if them showed this emotion.  "You know we will not agree to anything before we meet the master behind this plan," Aro started, "Voldemort has already visited us but he gave us a few weeks to consider.  Brothers what are your say.  Do we meet with this Order or decline their proclamation?"  He said turning to look at the two vampires at his side.  Both if them stayed quiet for a minute milling over the statements in their head before finally agreeing to go.  Aro turned back to Elizabeth, "You are a representative of them I suppose so when would be the best time to meet with the other members of this Order." 
"Well there is a meeting next Wednesday if that is fine with you."
"Yes that will be fine," Marcus said.
"I will see that they are informed," she said bowing and starting to make her way out.
"Elizabeth," Marcus called.  She paused and turned back to him.
"I'm glad you finally found him." He finished with a small smile.  This caused her to return his smile and said, "Yes it took a long time but I finally found him, good day."  She then left the same way she came.  Aro and Caius were stunned that a woman like Elizabeth Malfoy could find a man.  Her nature wasn't exactly girlfriend material. 
"Really," Aro asks.
"Yes," Marcus replied, "A mister Severus Snape.  He is a wizard professor at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.  His attitude and actions are very similar to Elizabeth's as well but he is not a vampire."
"She needs to change that quickly or their relationship can not be tolerated." Caius remarked.
"Yes we might want to metion that when she returns." Aro stated.
"Agreed," the three kings said in union.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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