Chapter 2: Talking

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As soon as Elizabeth Malfoy left Grimauld Place she hit the hills so to say.  She was criticizing herself for almost losing control at the end of the meeting.  She can not do that again.  No matter how strong the need to suck out his blood gets she must keep her control for his safety.  She will not regrete that he is her blood singer.  She is just a little shocked.  Severus Snape her long time childhood friend, who helped her through both the good times and the bad, who she had grown close to until she graduate and moved to America to study Neromagic.  She never saw that coming.  Sure she always loved him but he loved Lily.  She vowed not to get between them and she kepted that promise.  She steped up in Severus's life when Lily left him after he called her a mudblood, after which she joined his bullies who tormented him every day.  Elizabeth constantly stood up for him.  Whether it be because Slytherins had to stick together or for love she will never know.  Her brother was glad that she had a Slytherin friend and had ridden herself of that Gryffindor mudblood who he dispised so much.  She never understood why purebloods like Lucius Malfoy (her brother) hated muggle borns like Lily Evens.  We are all the same people connected by the one thing we love the most- magic. 
As she was running through a European forest constantly henderd  in the battle of moon light and darkness, she picked up a sent that she recognized immediately. Her favorite- bear.  She quickly changed courses to follow after the large mammal that would satisfy her thirst for a little while.  She allowed for her animal like instincts to take over as she ran after her meal.  It didn't take her long to hunt down the animal.  She jumped on its back and snapped its neck in less than a second.  She quickly incerted her sharp fangs into the fallen animal and draining it quickly.  Her new batch of blood did quinch the burning in her throat but she didn't want to chance anything around Severus so she located and devowered a deer just to be safe. 
After coming back to her senses she looked down at her mangled cloak and sighed that was my favorite one too she thought.  She quickly remembered magic and pulled out her wand waving it over the ruined clothes saying repairo in her head to fix it up as new.  Now to head to headquarters she thought as she followed her scent all the way back to the Mysterious House of Black. 
Once the home showed itself to her once again she stopped to admire the craftmanship of the old home.  Many if the pureblood family homes were extremely old.  Such as the Malfoy Mannor.  She didn't know exactly how old it was but her father often talked about how their nine times great grandfather built the base of the Mannor by hand many years ago.  So if that was true for that Mannor then the Black family mannor must be just as old.  Her skilful eyes captured the beauty of the building.  The dark oak wall, the dew on the second story windows, the spider dancing on the gutter, and a small hole at the base of the building that a small mouse had clearly constructed to easily access the interior portion of the magical home.  She loved old homes such as these but very few still existed and the ones that were left were kept from the eyes of muggles.  Wizards in the olden days were even more secretive than they are now.  That wasn't to say that muggles didn't have amazing looking homes.  Being able to live in a tall tower up above everyone and far away seemed ideal to her but it must get boring up there with only the birds for wildlife entertainment.  However her favorite homes in the world where not made by muggle or wizard but rather vampire.  She meet a lovely coven of them in America who lived in a home made mostly of windows.  Their leader (Carlisle Cullen) was a very good friend of hers and he even let her stay the night and get to know the family. 
These thoughts seeped through her mind in about a second and a half before she walked to the door and easily removed the protective spells allowing her to enter.  Once inside she replaced the spells through neromagic and turned to face the dark corridor that contained Mrs.Black's painting.  She made her way passed the painting quietly and quickly, coming to a stop at the door to the dinning room.  She slowly cracked opened the door to peek inside the room.  She only saw one person in the room- Severus.  She studied him from the shadows at first.  Noticing the way he slouched in his chair and rubbed his hands through his hair.  His elbows were placed on the table and he looked like there was an inward battle taking place in his mind.  She pushed open the door fully and walked into the large room, lit by a lone candle.  At the noise of the door Severus rasied up and pulled his hands from his hair placing them on the table.  She was met with a face of no emotion, which she expected.  She came into the room and shut the door behind her, making her way over to the seat across from her mate, taking off her cloak along the way and placing it onto the back of the chair.  She swiftly pulled out her seat and gracefully seated herself to stare into her mysterious mans' onix eyes.  "Hello Severus its been awhile" she spoke softly as if she was not trying to spook a scared animal.  He met her eyes and his softened, he allowed his face to show his emotion which was a mixture of confusion and gladness.  "Good to know you're alright after all this time.  Sure had me worried." The witch smiled at her friend and was glad the tention in the room was depleting, "A lot has happened over this time Sev," she said after a moment.  "I noticed," he replied, "care to explain. "Only if you are."  Severus inwardly sighed.  He should have seen this coming.  She was always like this but if it was information she wanted then that was what she would get.  "I guess I'll go first," he began as he settled back in his chair acquiring his usual regal fashion he tended to keep, "I left to go to college in France at one of the finest institutions of alchemy in the world apart from Ilverymorny in America.  I acquired my alchemy rose at the age of 19 signifying my mastery in the art.  I went on to become a master in Defence Against the Dark Arts at age 20."  "To be honest I always figured that you would," Elizabeth commented.  At this he gave a small smile that only she could draw from him.  Then his express changed to cold again as he continued, "I later realized I had a darkness in me.  One that could only be conquered by practicing the Dark Arts.  I resulted in turning to the Dark Lord for help and it costed me dearly, Elizabeth.  I did horrible things that I regrete everyday.  Inacent people died at my hand but.... when..... Lily died something snapped.  I found out I was doing wrong and I came to Albus for help.  He gave me a job and allowed me to join the Order.  I'm now a spy for him and to be honest I'm more scared now than ever before," the sadness showing in his eyes now.  Elizabeth reached across the table to take his hand.  When she did he froze.  Her hand was cold as ice and hard as stone.  This confirmed his earlier suspicions.  She gave a sad smile and looked him in his eyes, "Severus it will all be alright.  Trust me.  I'm in the exact same position you are in.  Though different.  I work for a government that only wants the people quieted.  Since I'm one of its arms I'm usually the one to silence them.  I kill many people daily but not by my own choice but by my boss's.  I understand completely." At this he smiled again and felt reassurance.  It felt good to know someone else understood him.  Maybe having her as a mate will not be so bad.  After a moment she sighed ,"I suppose its my turn." His smell was starting to awake the beast within her but she kept it back since her mate needed to hear this.  "As you know I moved to America when I graduated.  I went to Ilverymorny and got my alchemy rose at age 19, my neromagic degree at age 21, my DADA and teaching degrees at 22.  I thought I was doing good.  I became a professor, created a cure for a horrible disease, and started a reputation for a well known spy and evil wizarding hunter but then...." She looked away from Severus and her hands began to retrete but his hands held them in place, well erged them to stay in their places.  He placed his fingers on her chin and erged her to look at him.  When she did her eyes meet obsiden ones filled with understanding.  "I was walking down muggle Los Angeles when I felt a horrible pain coming from my neck.  When I placed a hand to the spot it came back covered in blood.  I screamed as the pain increased.  A man dropped from the roof of a near building and grinned at me right before I blacked out.  When I came to everything was different.  I could see, hear, and even taste everything.  It was like I was seeing the world in a whole new perspective." Her eyes twinkled remembering her experience but uneasiness came to them after a moment. "I was not on the street were I blacked out.  I was in a cave.  My memories were hard to remember and I found a piece of paper in my pocket.  It told me what I was..." she went to pull away from him again but continued, "I understand if you dont want to be around me.  I wouldn't either if I had the choice, but I wanted you to know that you are my mate and I love you and always will and I want you to be happy."  At this Severus leaned across the table and kissed her.  A blinding light eminated from both of them.  It was a soul bond confirming that they were mates and ment to be.  However the kiss didn't last long until Elizabeth pulled away and practically threw herself across the room, her eyes were black and she was eyeing Severus hungrily.  Severus was stunned but mostly worried.  Elizabeth shook her head and slowly returned to her seat.  She was now making sure to hold her breath.  " Sorry your scent calls to me more than anyone else's." Their eyes meet and Severus's held understanding.  "If I didn't pull away when I did I could have lost control."  He grabed her hand again and stood up pulling her with him.  "I understand," he said when they were standing next to each other, "I think I know a fix." She raised a questioning brow at him, "Change me." She froze I can't do that.  I would surely kill him if I tried! "No," she said firmly, "I would only do that if there was no other way to save you.  This isn't a great life and I want you to experience human life as much as you can." He snorted at this, " Elizabeth I'm a 36 year old man.  I've already had my fill." She squeezed his hand, "Trust me." She pleaded.  "I do" he responded, "I trust that you wont loose control when you change me."  She sighed, "how about this. Give it a week and if you still feel the same then.... i'll do it." This brought a smile to his face and gave him something to look forward to.  "I new you couldn't resist me," he said giving her a confident look.  She rolled her eyes, "I could never resist my snarky Slytherin." He chuckled, " Me snarky, I learned it from you." She smiled and replied, "Of course I'm a Slytherin what did you expect."  The two friends chuckled at each other before Severus lead Elizabeth to her room which was next to the Library.  "You do know that I don't sleep," she asked him.  He paused and answered " you can kept me company." She agreed and slipped into bed with her mate and silently watched his sleeping form for hours.  Intranced with his rythmic breathing and thinking that this could never get old.

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